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When students in our school finish their Senior 1 school life and prepare to welcome the coming new semester, they will be busy preparing for an annual activity—Yuci No. 1 Middle School Film Festival. During the course of the summer holiday between Senior 1 and Senior 2, every class will try their best to make micro films by them-selves, and then take their masterpieces into the competition usually held in October.
Britain could become the second country in the world to have a monument removed from world heritage status by UNESCO. That monument is Liverpool\'s magnificent waterfront.rnAnd, as if to brush off this shame, Boris John-son and his government intend to
Despite some challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ghanaians\' craze for the Chinese language continues, Chinese Director of the Confu-cius Institute at the University of Ghana Chu Bei-juan said.rnDuring a Chinese proficiency (熟练) competi-tion named“
1 Over ten people have walked on the moon since humans landed there, but no one has ever directly touched its surface. Those astronauts wore spacesuits outside the lander. No one ever took off a glove or a boot while standing on the moon.rn2“Once we got i
When Aaron Chong and his sister Angelique take their pet out for walks around their nei-ghborhood in Singapore, they receive friendly comments from strangers who mistake it for a small dog. Then, people realize that it isn\'t a furry dog but a fluffy (毛
Each night, after the people in the house had gone to bed, I stole some of their food for myself. But soon I realized that the old man was blind. And I realized that often the three of them did not have enough to eat. I saw the two young people put extra
Humans are a really noisy species:hammering and digging, flying and driving, delivering heavy cargo all over the world. And those activities create noise as if it were from an earthquake, which masks delicate signals from faraway small earth-quakes.
1 Long distance rail travel looked like it could be on its way out just a few years ago, but a lot has changed since then.rn2 The classic style of traveling is now coming back, as travelers look for more environmentally friendly ways to see the world. Var
1 Traditional Chinese fashion is a window to explore the wonderful culture of this highly gifted nation. From a very young age as a girl, I was inter-ested in the history and traditions of folks of the world. And, of course, every time you search for such
1 Clothing and personality go along together. I believe that what a person looks on the outside is similar to how he or she looks on the inside. Because people usually wear what they like and what makes them feel good about themselves. Each person has his
为获取大行程精密钢带夹轮传动系统的传动特性,以一维精密气浮导轨为载体,钢带夹轮传动机构作为传动装置,采用三环PID控制算法,设计并搭建测试平台.参照JJF 1251-2010的校准标准,对钢带传动特性进行测试.测试结果表明,在钢带所受的压力和拉力满足一定阈值的条件下,钢带传动系统的定位精度随钢带所受拉力的增加而提高,与所受压力无关;速度稳定性不受钢带所受压力和拉力的影响.测试结果为三坐标测量机等精密仪器的传动系统设计提供了有益的参考.