Voice of the People

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  HOW are CPPCC proposals initiated and handled? How significant are they to the development of China? Does the Subcommittee for Handling Proposals under the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) have cooperation and exchange programs with its foreign counterparts? How does the subcommittee line up its future tasks? These were the major questions this reporter had in mind when interviewing Li Tielin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and director of its Subcommittee for Handling Proposals.
  Working the Process:
  “More often than not I’ll be moved by the true emotions I can read between the lines; often proposers have invested much in verbalizing the results of what they have seen, heard and actually experienced,” says Director Li. “These proposals reflect the devotion and commitment of CPPCC members, the central committees of various democratic parties, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, relevant people’s organizations, and CPPCC special committees. Many of these proposals and suggestions have been included in relevant state policies and development plans, or adopted by related government departments.”
  The subcommittee has always given precedence to issues that are directly related to people’s lives; in fact one of its main functions is to facilitate the solution of issues of greatest concern and interest to the populace. To show how his committee works, Li Tielin labored over his explanation.
  Around New Year’s Day every year, the subcommittee solicits proposals by letter from all the CPPCC members, together with a copy of reference proposals. By this point, Li and his people have made massive preparations. For instance, they have approached various state departments and functionaries to study their major tasks, key issues and the current problems involved, for the compilation of the reference proposals. This routine is essential to inspiring practical, substantial and well-targeted submissions.
  Prior to and after the annual CPPCC session, all its individual and institutional members (including the central committees of the eight democratic parties, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, relevant people’s organizations, and CPPCC special committees) can fileproposals at their convenience. After receiving the proposals, this subcommittee will examine them to assure their quality, according to relevant rules and the principle of respecting and protecting the democratic rights of the proposers. Then they’ll discuss and decide who should the proposals be forwarded to for consideration. Those received during an ongoing session will be handed out at a “proposal delivery meeting” organized by the CPPCC National Committee, to relevant departments of the CPC Central Committee and central government and military departments at the central level, local governments, and people’s organizations. Most of these proposals go to government departments, as a matter of fact. Those received between CPPCC sessions are handled and forwarded to relevant departments by the subcommittee at the earliest time possible. A department that is so engaged in the settlement of a proposal proceeds with the task according to relevant state laws, regulations and policies, and sends written feedback within a required time period. Meantime, the CPPCC National Committee monitorsthe entire process.
  For example, at the 2008 CPPCC session Liu Xincai and 34 other members filed a joint proposal urging effective control of schistosomiasis in the four lakes area (see the note on page 18) in Hubei Province. It pointed out that the schistosomiasis epidemic in Hubei Province was so serious that it needed an immediate intervention by the central government. The subcommittee considered it a severe enough issue and classified the proposal high priority. It organized a special investigation, conducted by representatives of the proposers, schistosomiasis experts, leaders of the State Development and Reform Commission and representatives from the ministries of Health, Agriculture and Water Resources. Following their trip to Hubei, the group submitted their report together with solutions to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.
  In July 2008, Chairman Jia Qinglin of the CPPCC National Committee and Vice Premier Hui Liangyu issued instructions, obliging the ministries of Water Resources and Agriculture to cooperate with relevant departments and bring the epidemic under control. On October 24, 2008 the Hubei Provincial People’s Government, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture launched their joint schistosomiasis control campaign. Under their formal agreement, the three parties set up a joint fund to guarantee standards controling disease transmission across the entire province by the end of 2013, two years ahead of the target set by the National Mid-Term and Long-Term Program for the Prevention and Control of Schistosomiasis. This was the initial result of a proposal brought about by the efforts of a subcommittee. “We’re still watching for further development of the project,” says Li Tielin.
  Valuing the Results
  The CPPCC develops and grows in tandem with the People’s Republic. Since its establishment in 1949, it has received 85,000 proposals; some had great impact in their day. These contributed toward consolidating the new regime, promoting the socialist revolution and reconstruction, fueling the reform and opening-up and modernization drive, and enhancing other causes of direct concern and interest to the people. Director Li further elaborated on their significance in three respects.
  First is their advisory role in enhancing coordinated socio-economic development and providing important reference points for scientific and democratic decision-making by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Mr. Li cited examples. At the First Plenary Session of the First National Committee of CPPCC in 1949, 44 democratic personages, including such celebrities as Guo Moruo, Li Jishen, Shen Junru, Huang Yanpei and Ma Xulun, proposed to telegraph the United Nations immediately protesting the representation of China by the Kuomintang Government. These people are remembered in the People’s Republic of China related to the PRC’s long struggle to regain its legitimate rights in the United Nations.
  During the early years of socialist construction, economist Ma Yinchu proposed the idea of birth control, which later exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on the economic and social development of China. In recent decades, proposals that significantly stood out included one that urged a thorough feasibility study of the Three Gorges Project before its implementation and one that called for development of the recycling economy. There were also many suggestions that were closely related to the well-being of the people, such as nullification of the agricultural tax, acceleration of the construction of a social security system, enforcement of food safety supervision, and reform of the housing system. They caught the central government’s attention and speeded up finding solutions to these relevant problems.
  At the 1998 CPPCC Session, the Central Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association (CDNCA) proposed that China should institutionalize risk investment. The State Planning Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Bank of China, and State Securities Commission held several forums with the CDNCA Central Committee, discussing actual implementation. Now the risk investment sector is developing rapidly in China.
  Second, CPPCC proposals have helped enhance the solidarity of the united front by calling on the wisdom and resources of various sectors. Involvement through filing proposals has the advantage of flexibility, broad participation and marked effectiveness. Both individual and institutional members can present public opinions and suggestions through their proposals to relevant government departments. And in fact, their proposals reflect the mind and needs of various sectors, ethnic groups, social echelons and people from all walks of life; they are the result of collective wisdom and serve as a huge intelligence bank.
  In 2009, the subcommittee received 1,100 proposals on the topics of grassroots democracy, solidarity of various ethnic groups, rapprochement among different religions, the implementation of the “one country, two systems” and overseas Chinese affairs policies, cross-Straits exchanges, and clean government. They have helped the CPC and government departments with their public relations and contributed to social stability. One of these proposals focused on the salt tide that had hit Macao and the Pearl River Delta and threatened the potable water safety. The Ministry of Water Resources has followed up the issue closely and guaranteed safe water supply to the affected areas.
  Third, this practice of the CPPCC lives up to its principle of democratic consultation and has contributed to promoting socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics. The CPPCC National Committee recently called two “proposals settlement conferences,” one on the topic of supporting returned rural migrant workers to start their own enterprise in their home villages or get employed locally, and the other on how to maintain a steady economic growth at a reasonable speed by expanding domestic demand. Eleven state commissions and ministries concerned discussed these issues directly with the proposers to enhance understanding and agreement. In 2009, the subcommittee organized 25 such conferences and investigations.
  Taking a Page from a Foreign Book
  With the international community’s growing interest in China’s political system, it has been possible in recent years for the CPPCC to expand its friendships with foreign counterparts.
  In 2006, at the invitation of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, the Romanian Senate and the Dutch House of Representatives, the Subcommittee for Handling Proposals under the 10th CPPCC National Committee visited the three countries. In their talks, the hosts obtained a deeper understanding of the CPPCC and China’s two forms of democratic political system. Previously, they mistook the role of the CPPCC as that of a parliament or congress. Through such exchanges, both the CPPCC and their foreign counterparts came to improve their understanding of the conditions and methods countries use to legitimize their governing authority; the given economic and political systems of various countries evolved from the historical choices of their peoples and are the fruit of their political wisdom.
  Mr. Li elaborated on one point he learned from his trips to the three countries. “All three champion legal construction; legislation is the major task of their parliaments, and the legislature, an important organ. They all emphasize close contacts with the citizenship and use expert opinion and the views of relevant non-governmental organizations in the process of law-making, so their work can best represent broad public opinion. In the Netherlands, for example, a motion that is left unsettled by a current House of Representatives will be carried on by its successor; it will not become nullified at the dismissal or conclusion of aHouse session. In this way, the continuity and rationality of government policies are guaranteed. I think this is instructive.”
  New Beginnings and Aspirations
  Li Tielin believes that CPPCC proposals speak on behalf of the people and testify to the substantial achievement and the effective functioning of the CPPCC. They also reflect the developmental course of China’s democratic politics and socialist construction with Chinese characteristics.
  He envisions that his subcommittee can do even more in the future. It will continue to function as the think tank of the government in facilitating steady socio-economic growth in China, and play a bigger role in dealing with the international financial crisis by helping transform China’s economic growth mode to enhance quality and efficiency in the direction of that growth. Its role, as he sees it, is also to assist in strengthening the country’s ability in independent innovation, guaranteeing and improving democracy, and maintaining social stability and harmony. Meanwhile, the subcommittee will persevere in the spirit of democratic consultation and cooperation to create a fruitful working environment.
  As a bridge between proposers and the departments that are obliged to act, the subcommittee and its office will strengthen its cooperative relations with them through various channels and means, such as conferences, fact-finding trips, and follow-up studies. Li vows that they will do everything to assure the smooth flow of the whole process – from composing, to examining, to acting on proposals – so it will become a process that represents the broadest wisdom, democracy and solidarity.
<正>AS northern China withers under freezing temperatures in the winter months, the country’s southern provinces, which enjoy a milder climate, retain many of