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举证责任是三大诉讼法中的一个重要问题。诉讼中对立的双方围绕相关的争点提供证据,结合实践中双方当事人为达到胜诉的目的,不断提出新的主张、新的证据,构成了学者解说和分析举证责任的基础。我国现行的《行政诉讼法》关于被告承担举证责任的规定,深刻反映了我国行政诉讼侧重保护个人、组织的权益和导向法治行政的基本取向。拟从举证责任的界定入手,立足我国社会现实和法律环境,肯定《行政诉讼法》对被告承担举证责任的规定是符合我国现阶段的要求的,并重点探讨关于原告承担举证责任问题的若干争议。 The burden of proof is an important issue in the three major procedural laws. The two opposing parties in the litigation provide evidences on the related issues. In the light of the fact that both parties, in practice, aim at winning the favor, they constantly come up with new ideas and new evidences, which form the basis for the scholars to explain and analyze the burden of proof. Our current “Administrative Procedure Law” on the defendant to bear the burden of proof provides a profound reflection of our administrative litigation focused on protecting the rights and interests of individuals, organizations and the basic orientation of the rule of law. Starting from the definition of the burden of proof and based on the social reality and legal environment in our country, it is affirmed that the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law on the respondent’s burden of proof meet the requirements of the present stage in our country and focus on some controversies over the plaintiff’s burden of proof .
编辑同志: 您好! 我是从事基础教育理论课的教学和研究工作的,也是贵刊的老读者。贵刊每期我都认真细读,获益匪浅。我觉得贵刊栏目新颖,文章多样,内容丰富,真正体现了学术性
摘 要:建设工程造价的确定与投资控制的实质就是运用科学技术原理和经济及法律手段,解决工程建设活动中的技术与经济、经营与管理等实际问题,只有在项目建设的各个阶段,采用科学的计价依据,合理确定投资估算、初步设计概算和施工图预算,才能提高投资效益。  关键词:工程造价    1 建设项目工程造价控制的重要意义    建设项目的造价控制贯穿于项目的全过程,即项目决策阶段、项目设计阶段、项目实施阶段