
来源 :老年世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonathanwu
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不在生气时做决定,不在高兴时轻许诺——生活中要记住这两件事所有的社交软件都始于约会,兴与炫耀,衰于代购。——洞察现代人际关系每个人每周要眨眼2.5万次左右,以保持眼睛润滑。喷嚏在口腔中的运行时速为965公里。红血球的平均寿命是120天,白血球是12小时左右。普通人一生坐在电视机前的时间可达12年,与人对话的时间也是12年。人一生中要流65升眼泪。咳嗽是身体排斥异物的反应,咳嗽的平均速度是每小时140公里。 Do not be angry when making decisions, not happy when light promises - to remember these two things in life all the social software began dating, rejuvenate and show off, fail in purchasing. - Insight into modern relationships Everyone winks about 25,000 times a week to keep their eyes lubricated. Sneeze in the mouth of the operating speed of 965 km. The average life expectancy of red blood cells is 120 days, white blood cells is about 12 hours. Ordinary people sit in front of the television for life up to 12 years, the time for dialogue with people is 12 years. People shed 65 liters of tears in their lives. Cough is the reaction of the body to repel foreign body, the average cough speed is 140 kilometers per hour.
眼下秋高气爽,又到了食菊季节.菊花具清肝明目、抗菌消炎之功,气味芬芳,清冽可口,为药馔之佳品. Right now autumn, but also to the season of chrysanthemum.Chrysanthem
鱼是高蛋白、高营养的食品,经常吃些鱼类产品,对人的身体非常有益。但是,吃鱼时不小心被鱼刺卡住喉咙时,应该怎么办呢?这里介绍一些简单的方法给你们: Fish is a high prot
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生活在城市中的人,由于越来越多地借助于现代化工具,如汽车、电梯等,步行的机会大大减少了,出现了腿部逐渐退化的情况。 中国有句俗语:“人老腿先老。”腿脚是否灵活,往往是
音乐的纯音、美术的本色,是艺术大师丰子恺先生的艺术追求,而饮食的原味,也恰与他的美学原则一脉相承…… The pure tone of music and the essence of art are the artisti
材料: 柳橙 2个 西瓜 150克 冷开水 50毫升 糖水 30毫升 碎冰 50克 做法: 1 柳橙洗净榨汁备用。 2 西瓜去皮去籽后切成小块放入果汁机中,倒入冷开水,以高速搅打20秒后再以过
笔者是年过花甲的北京人,对老北京的各种小吃比较熟悉,自儿时起即与他们结下了不解之缘,经常在街头巷尾伫足一餐. I am a Peking Man, who is familiar with all kinds of