
来源 :中西法律传统 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Nick0409
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一、问题的提出(一)法律史研究的困惑:法史学的中国意义改革开放后,中国法制史的研究日益繁荣,但是这种繁荣似乎与其对中国法治发展的贡献并不相称。归类在法学学科里的法律史学科,仍遵循着历史学的研究路径与方法,因此法律史论著中的法学概念形同刻意点缀。中国法制史虽然列入了教育部指定的法学本科必修课,但是其必修的价值却随着社会经济的发展日趋减弱。如果说新中国成立后前三十年的中国法制史(中国国家与法权的历史)的研究还有为现政权提供批判对象的 I. Problems (I) Perplexity in the Study of Legal History: The Chinese Significance of Legal History After the reform and opening up, the research on the legal history of China is increasingly prosperous, but this prosperity does not seem to be consistent with its contribution to the development of the rule of law in China. The legal history classified in the jurisprudence discipline still follow the path and method of historical research, so the concept of jurisprudence in the legal history treats the same meaning. Although the legal history of China included in the law required by the Ministry of Education undergraduate course compulsory, but its compulsory value but with the social and economic development has weakened. If we say that the study of the history of the Chinese legal history (the history of state and legal authority in China) in the first three decades after the founding of New China also provides a critical target for the current regime
Objective To assess the effect of treatment with a combination of the tamoxifen citrate and testosterone undecanoate on sperm variables in men with idiopathic a
背景资料 自2002年8月始,围绕“初中教育改革和发展现状” 这条主线,本刊编辑部与吴江市教育科学研究室联合在江苏6 个县(市)范围内进行了一项非随机抽样专题调查。我们把调
Here two cases of renal failure occurring in pregnancy were reported,with biopsy-proven pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis at postpartum.It is most rare