Pharmacognostic Identification of Tetracera asiatica

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyfall533
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[Objective] Pharmacognostic identification of Tetracera asiatica was performed. [Methods] Methods of morphological identification,microscopic identification,physical and chemical identification were used. [Results] Wheel stripes were obvious in the transverse section of root; the cortex was narrow and the xylem was broad. It was in radial pattern,the splitting was obvious and there were many ostioles.Needle crystal bundles of calcium oxalate were commonly observed in parenchymal cells. Lignified parenchymal cells could be observed,clear pits were densely distributed. The bordered pit vessels were with diameter of 20- 80 μm. Cork cells were in the shape of polygon and reddish brown. Tannin and flavonoid were contained in tetracera asiatica. [Conclusions] The aforementioned characteristics could provide reference basis for identification of Tetracera asiatica. [Objective] Pharmacognostic identification of Tetracera asiatica was performed. [Methods] Methods of morphological identification, microscopic identification, physical and chemical identification were used. [Results] Wheel stripes were obvious in the transverse section of root; the cortex was narrow and the xylem was broad. It was in radial pattern, the splitting was obvious and there were many ostioles. Needle crystal bundles of calcium oxalate were commonly seen in parenchymal cells. Lignified parenchymal cells could be observed, clear pits were densely distributed. The bordered pit vessels were with diameter of 20- 80 μm. Cork cells were in the shape of polygon and reddish brown. Tannin and flavonoid were contained in tetracera asiatica. [Conclusions] The previous page:
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