Time-depth conversion of transient electromagnetic method used in coal mines

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deskleg
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Accuracy of time-depth conversion in data processing of transient electromagnetic prospecting always affects the accu- rate positioning of water bodies in coal mines. In order to improve the accuracy of time-depth conversion, we established a mathe- matical model of time-depth conversion for a transient electromagnetic method based on the theory of “double smoke ring effect” of full space transient electromagnetic field transmission. Using a 3-layer as well as a 4-layer geo-electric model for roadway floors, we performed the time-depth conversion of theoretical curves of apparent resistance varying over time. In these curves, the depth corresponding to extreme value points is nearly the same as the depth of a geo-electric model. The position of water body deter- mined by our time-depth conversion method agrees well with the result of borehole drilling, indicating that the established time-depth conversion model can clearly improve the accuracy of spatial positioning of water bodies in coal mines. Accuracy of time-depth conversion in data processing of transient electromagnetic prospecting always affects the accu- rate positioning of water bodies in coal mines. In order to improve the accuracy of time-depth conversion, we established a mathe- matical model of time-depth conversion for a transient electromagnetic method based on the theory of “double smoke ring effect ” of full space transient electromagnetic field transmission. Using a 3-layer as well as a 4-layer geo-electric model for roadway floors, we performed the time-depth conversion of theoretical curves of apparent resistance varying over time. In these curves, the depth corresponding to extreme value points is nearly the same as the depth of a geo-electric model. The position of water body deter- mined by our time -depth conversion method agrees well with the result of borehole drilling, indicating that the established time-depth conversion model can clearly improve the accuracy of spatial positioning of water bodies i n coal mines.
老师:  您好!  俗话说,丈母娘看女婿,越看越顺眼。可在我们家,丈母娘和女婿却都越看越碍眼。  我跟老公刚结婚时,没跟父母住一起,大家相处都很好。在我儿子14岁那年,我爸因病去世,作为家里唯一的孩子,我不忍心把妈留在老屋里独自神伤,跟老公商量后,把她接来了跟我们住。  接我妈来之前,我也换角度想过,如果婆婆来我家住,即便我没理由拒绝,心里肯定不情愿,这道理对老公应该也一样。为这事我问了很多朋友,
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【编辑留言】从石油先辈“少活二十年,拼命也要拿下大油田”的豪迈誓言,到今天HSE管理、EAP项目的盛行,油田企业开始渗透出人本关怀的理念。发展到当下的时代,衡量一个好国家、好社会、好企业最本质的,就应该是看看这里的国民、职工是否可以健康幸福地生活。辽河油田公司实施的职工健康工程,目的正在于此。  相比以前郁闷在胸,一点点地,25岁的周苏(化名)觉得自己重新对工作、生活充满了希望和憧憬。  大学毕业