CEO turnover of large public companies is inevitable, and often face difficulties. According to the 2014 CEO, Governance and Success survey released by STRETT, a member of PricewaterhouseCoopers Network, CEO turnover is crucial in terms of shareholder value. Data from the last three years shows that CEO turnover will reduce the median total shareholder returns for the following year to -3.5% (shareholder returns are based on indices used by each company). In fact, due to non-planned replacement or mergers and acquisitions CE0 chase replacement for the company suffered a great loss. The annual report estimates that companies forced to replace their CEOs in recent years have lost $ 112 billion annually, or $ 1.8 billion per company, much more than planned replacement losses. The report shows that CEO turnover of major companies is getting smoother. The planned replacement rate increased from 63% in 2000 ~ 2002 to 82% in 2012 ~ 2014.