A Day Of Big Ideas

来源 :第二课堂(A) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenglove5
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A lot of scholars and experts came from across the country to speak at the TED Youth2015 meeting at the Brooklyn Museum,in New York City,on November 14.The subject of the meeting was“Made in the Future”.Experts talked about robotics,biology,music,and more,while examining the future and what it will hold for young people.The audience(观众)included about400 students,aged 13 to 18,all of whom were asked to attend.The agenda(议程)was to listen to short talks,do hands-on activities,and take part in conversations about the future of young people and what they could do to change it. A lot of scholars and experts came from across the country to speak at the TED Youth2015 meeting at the Brooklyn Museum, in New York City, on November 14.The subject of the meeting was “Made in the Future.” Experts talked about robotics, biology, music, and more, while examining the future and what it will hold for young people.The audience (viewed) was about about 400 students, aged 13 to 18, all of whom were asked to attend the agenda to listen to short talks, do hands-on activities, and take part in conversations about the future of young people and what they could do to change it.
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当你一个人在家静静地看书、写字或睡觉的时候,也许,会令门外的小偷以为家里没有人。当你发现小偷鬼鬼祟祟地进入你家 的时候,怎么办才好呢?看看十二星座在遭遇到小偷时会怎
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