
来源 :空中交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nicolewyy
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刚刚过去的1996年,是民航空管系统建设与发展不平凡的一年,是成绩斐然的一年。空管系统全体人员以确保飞行安全为中心,以民航工作总体要求为根本,以实现第二个运输飞行安全年为目标,严字当头,坚持不懈狠抓安全;积极进取,扎扎实实开展工作,完成了民航总局关于空管安全和航班正常的责任制指标,为顺利实现第二个运输飞行安全年作出了突出贡献。刚刚迎来的1997年,是民航空管安全保障任务十分艰巨的一年,是实施空管“九五”建设规划蓝图的关键一年。为此,在新的一年里,空管系统全体同志务必要认清形势,振奋精神同心同德,再接再厉,夯实安全保障的基础,保持空管系统平稳发展的良好势头,争创民航运输飞行安全的“三连贯”。 The year 1996 that just passed was an extraordinary year for the construction and development of the civil aviation air traffic control system and a remarkable year. The air traffic control system personnel to ensure flight safety as the center, based on the general requirements of civil aviation as the fundamental, in order to achieve the second transport flight safety year as the goal, serious words, persevere and pay close attention to safety; proactive, solid work , Fulfilled the Civil Aviation Administration's target of responsibility for ATC safety and normal flight, and made outstanding contributions to the smooth realization of the second Transport Flight Safety Year. The year 1997, just ushered in, is a very arduous year for the task of safeguarding the safety of air traffic control of civil aviation. It is also a crucial year for the implementation of the blueprint for the construction of ATC “Ninth Five-Year Plan”. Therefore, in the new year, all comrades of the air traffic control system must understand clearly the situation, inspire them to work with one mind and make unremitting efforts to consolidate the foundation of safety and security and maintain the sound momentum of steady development of the air traffic control system, Safe “three coherent ”.
悖论的海  既然已经静止  对话就成了退潮后的空壳  个人与时代叠加的困境中  他又开始写作,写才能安抚  虚构的声韵中下降的自己  一条清寂的小路,通向环旋的孤独之林。  台灯的光照影响书中的局势  也加重夜晚的不安  但只有写作让他确切地感受到  波浪的触须推涌出强烈的爱力  他应该放弃这种窒息的快乐  与那片悖论的海吗?  读陶渊明  你的声音穿过鄱阳茫茫的水域  抵达我自制的木桌前  整饬
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