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一纸红书,一张请柬,就这样把我们彼此未来的几十年,绑在了一起。有人领证,各种幸福。有人听到同学领证,各种祝福,当然也有无尽的“崩溃”!那些年,我们一起听到的领证故事……神马!你领证了!我崩溃!@Candra_:一大早从小玩到大的同学兼好友,告诉我,闪婚了。父母不知道,从认识到结婚就十天。然后,领证的那天是见面第二次,我当时第一反应不是惊悚,是在想,我父母要知道她也婚了,彻底掉我一个了,还不把我往死里催!!!都不等等我,你们想怎么样!! A piece of red book, an invitation card, so that we each other for decades to tie together. Some people receive a certificate, all kinds of happiness. Someone heard the students card, all kinds of blessings, of course, there are endless “Crash ”! In those years, we all heard the card with the story ... ... God! You have the card! I collapsed @Candra_: To big classmates and friends, tell me, flash marriage. Parents do not know, from the realization of marriage to ten days. Then, the day is the second day to meet the card, I was the first reaction was not horror, is thinking, my parents want to know she was married, completely out of me, and do not push me to the death reminder !!! Do not wait for me, what do you want !!
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老家在渭北台地边缘,地肥,随便撒一把种子下去,地里便长满了庄稼。  油菜、小麦、玉米、棉花、芝麻、萝卜、苜蓿,记忆里,老家一年四季是由植物的荣枯描画的。  那个时候,只有架在皂角树树杈上的大喇叭是亢奋的,革命的音符布满了天空。  大人们忙自己的事情,就剩下孩子和草。  夏天是少年的。  壕沟、河渠、地头,到处长满了野草。一把镰刀映现在空中,少年用井水滋润磨刀石,有时也吐口唾沫,一下下磨利刀刃。思量
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大概5岁的时候,我爸给我讲了张良与黄石公的故事。我听了心潮澎湃,觉得这世界上每个犄角旮旯里,都可能有神一样的人存在。  那天晚上,我买了一个烧饼,边吃边在外面玩。当我跑过一个屋角时,从屋内钻出一位衣衫褴褛蓬头垢面的老头。他深邃的眼神儿盯了我一会儿,咧嘴笑了:“小孩儿,来,把你的烧饼给我咬一口。”  我脑子里瞬间闪过黄石公的影子,然后毕恭毕敬地走上前,双手把烧饼递给他。他啃了两大口后,把烧饼还给我,
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