
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QQ343282482
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小麦的每亩穗数、每穗粒数与粒重三个因素究竟如何组合,才能获得最高产量,是一个值得研究的问题.从作物栽培的角度看,三个因素的最优组合,必须是最能充分利用当地有利的自然环境条件,尤其是气候资源,耗费较低的生产成本,而具有稳产、高产和高经济效益的结构. 一、合肥地区麦季气候特征与小麦产量结构形成的关系合肥地处江淮流域之间,小麦生产季节具有南北方气候的过渡特征.小麦适时播种以后,降温较慢,麦苗能在冬前充分生长,生根分蘖,形成大蘖壮苗.冬季约有45天左右的越冬期(指日平均气温下降到3℃以下开始至稳定回升时为止),在此 Wheat per acre per spike, grain number per spike and grain weight of the combination of three factors in order to obtain the highest yield, is a problem worth exploring.From the perspective of crop cultivation, the optimal combination of the three factors must be The most can make full use of local favorable natural environment conditions, especially climate resources, lower production costs, and stable, high yield and high economic benefits structure.First, the relationship between wheat climatic characteristics and the formation of wheat yield structure in Hefei area Hefei is located between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe Valley, wheat production season with the transition characteristics of northern and southern climates. After timely sowing wheat, cooling slower, wheat seedlings can fully grow before winter, tillering, the formation of big tiller strong seedlings winter about 45 days Around the winter (refers to the daily average temperature dropped to below 3 ℃ until the start of a steady rise), in this
一、前言 随着科学技术的飞跃发展,对各种光学器件的要求也越来越高,由此促使真空镀膜技术迅速发展,真空镀膜设备也不断更新。为实现高难度、复杂膜系的镀制,真空镀膜机中磁
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