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民办基础教育,主要指的是具有法人资格的企业事业组织、社会团体和公民个人依法举办的中小学、幼儿园,也包括目前阶段基础教育办学体制改革初期出现的公立转制中小学和幼儿园。我国新时期民办基础教育的形成和发展是基础教育宏观管理体制改革的必然结果,是基础教育地方化政策推行的结果。在中国的民办基础教育领域中,卢志文是一位不得不让我们提起并关注的领军人物。1994年,31岁的卢志文,担任江苏省重点中学淮安中学的副校长。1999年,他开始协助民营企业家王玉芬董事长创办江苏淮安外国语学校。之后,在江苏省宝应县将原宝应县中学、宝应县实验小学、宝应实验初级中学3所公办校成功改制,组建民办翔宇教育集团,任集团总校长并兼任淮安外国语学校校长、宝应县中学校长。在这看起来简单的创业经历背后,卢志文用自己的智慧与激情,不懈地追求着民办教育的幸福境界,他成就了一份让所有基础教育工作者感动的民办教育事业,同时构建了一套让所有民办基础教育工作者效仿的教学管理体系。 Basic private education refers mainly to primary and secondary schools and kindergartens organized by enterprises and institutions, social organizations and individual citizens with legal personality, as well as public transit primary and secondary schools and kindergartens that have emerged in the initial stage of the system reform of basic education in the current stage. The formation and development of private basic education in the new era of our country is the inevitable result of the reform of the macro-management system of basic education and the result of the implementation of the local education policy of basic education. In the field of private basic education in China, Lu Zhiwen is one of the leaders who has to lift and pay attention to us. In 1994, 31-year-old Lu Zhiwen was the vice principal of Huaian Middle School in Jiangsu Province. In 1999, he started to assist private entrepreneur Wang Yufen to found Jiangsu Huaian Foreign Language School. Afterwards, Baoying County Middle School, Baoying County Experimental Primary School and Baoying Experimental Middle School were successfully restructured in Baoying County, Jiangsu Province to form private Xiangyu Education Group, which served as the headmaster of the Group and also headmaster of Huaian Foreign Language School. Baoying County Middle School principal. Behind this seemingly simple entrepreneurial experience, Lu Zhiwen relentlessly pursues the happiness of private education with his wisdom and passion. He has made a private education that touched all the basic education workers and built a Set of teaching management system for all private basic education workers.
Assumed to be an important component of translation universals,explicitation has drawn a lot of attention since its birth in 1958 (Vinay & Darbelnet).Later,with
本研究依托武汉理工大学研究生教改《研究生高级英语视听说》教材的开发,以韵律、朗读、自主对话、问答、演讲、影视配音为任务,通过语音室环境(CoolEdit Pro软件录音)结合网
The research presents CONTEC (the Corpus of Non-native and Translated English by Chinese),a self-built corpus which is being used in an ongoing research project