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为生产高性能板材产品,炼钢环节必须采用大供气强度的底吹系统。本文介绍了具有与炉龄同步的底枪更换及安全保障功能的顶底复吹转炉控制系统。详细介绍了采用三电一体化方式的自动化系统在转炉冶炼过程的不同阶段,按照一定的供气制度,分别对喷吹气体的压力、流量进行精细调控,确保带有软管连接的管路系统在大供气强度下与耳轴及炉底之间的连接没有泄漏。对气体的流量,可以在总管上集中调节,也可以在每个风嘴处单独控制。 For the production of high-performance sheet products, the steelmaking sector must adopt a bottom blowing system with large gas supply strength. This paper introduces the top and bottom blowing converter control system with the function of changing the bottom gun and keeping the safety of the furnace. In detail, the automation system based on three-electric integration is introduced in detail in the different stages of converter smelting process, according to a certain air supply system, the pressure and flow of injection gas are finely regulated respectively to ensure the pipeline system with hose connection There is no leakage between the trunnion and the bottom of the furnace under a large air supply. The gas flow, you can focus on the general regulation, can also be individually controlled at each tuyere.
The authors reviewed the charts of 1,421 patients with cerebral hemorrhage to determine the cause of death. Limitation or withdrawal of life-sustaining interven
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11月10日 晴  在无錫,我有很多朋友。其中,有一个最好的朋友叫做魏柯奇。每次放假回无锡,我总会和他一起玩。玩得真开心。  魏柯奇今年8岁,他有一个圆圆的脑袋,长得虎头虎脑的,很神气。他走路很快。他还有一个妹妹,也很神气,和他一样可爱。  魏柯奇家里有很多书,讲起书里的故事,他眼睛都发亮了。他还借给我很多厚厚的故事书。他要我认真看故事书,以便做一个会讲故事、爱读书的人。  我们一起出去玩的时候,
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