Located in the northwestern corner of Gansu Province, the Beishan area of Gansu refers to the vast area north of the Shulehe Concealed Fault, the west of the Heihe River to the Gan and the new provinces (districts). It covers an area of over 60,000 square kilometers and belongs to the Gobi Hilly Landform Area. According to relevant meteorological data, this area belongs to a temperate arid climate zone, with hot summers and cold winters. The region has a long period of sunshine with less precipitation and large amount of evaporation with an average annual rainfall of 58.3 millimeters and an evaporation of 2,600 millimeters annually. The month from May to the following year is the windy season with the southwest wind prevailing. The freezing period is from September to April the following year. The maximum frozen soil depth is 176mm. The bedrock exposed in this area is good, vegetation is scarce, impermanence year surface bleed. Therefore, the weathering of rock in this area is mainly physical and chemical