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更年期是指由壮年进入老年期的过渡阶段,妇女绝经年龄平均是50.4岁,在绝经前5年至绝经后5年,称围绝经期,实际上即是更年期,由于妇女寿命的逐渐延长,发达国家妇女平均为78.3岁,日本妇女已达80.48岁,我国妇女平均为70岁左右,即是说妇女在绝经后有20~30年的时光要渡过,在这个阶段中。由于体内雌激素的减少,给妇女带来一系列病理生理学的变化,使身体上、精神上出现种种不适。为帮助大批更年期妇女渡过困难期,使她们继续发挥力量,做好这个时期的保健工作,本刊特组织这个专题笔谈,并呼吁妇科医生重视更年期的保健,帮助广大妇女增加医学知识,自觉锻炼,防病治病,努力创造一个幸福的晚年生活。 Menopause refers to the transitional stage from the prime of life into the elderly, the average age of menopause women is 50.4 years old, 5 years before menopause to 5 years after menopause, said the menopause, in fact, that is menopause, as women’s life expectancy gradually extended, developed The average number of women in the country is 78.3, the number of Japanese women is 80.48, and the average number of women in our country is 70 or so. This means that women have 20 to 30 years to go through the postmenopausal period. At this stage. Due to the reduction of estrogen in the body, a series of pathophysiological changes are brought to women, causing various physical and mental discomforts. In order to help a large number of menopausal women through the difficult time so that they can continue to exert their power to do a good job in this period of health care work, this issue specially organized the topic to talk about and called on gynecologists to attach importance to menopause and help women increase their medical knowledge and exercise consciously , Prevent and cure diseases and strive to create a happy old age life.
A series of ternary perovskite type oxides LaNi1-xCuxO3(x = 0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,and 1.0) were synthesized via the sol-gel method in propionic acid.Partial substitut
上个世纪30年代,南京春节期间贩卖鞭炮的小贩。对中国人来说,鞭炮是正月里绝对不能缺少的东西;每个中国人的春节记忆里都伴随着噼里啪啦的鞭炮声。 在春节燃放烟花爆竹的习俗
1 诊断 1.1 病史:详细询问既往是否有尿失禁存在、病程长短、严重程度及发生诱因。此外还应了解全身情况:①中风史:尿失禁病人中34%有中风病史;⑨脊髓病变:尤其是骶椎2~4病变,
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1 临床资料 患者,女,56岁,已婚,工人,上海籍,因腹胀两个月于1988年11月16日入院,同年12月21日因晚期卵巢癌合并腹水行剖腹探查术。术中见腹腔右侧卵巢癌肿约12cm×12cm×12c
一、妊娠合并心衰处理的三条基本原则 1.去除发生心衰的原因。如为心内膜炎或高血压引起之心衰,应采用积极的内科治疗,如有可能对心瓣膜病变引起之心衰进行手术纠正,也能去