作为国内知名的多媒体音箱企业——北京爱德发集团,其推出的“漫步者”音箱早已风行全国,在木质音 箱市场占有率方面始终排名第一,可以说“漫步者”音箱的一举一动都会对国内多媒体音箱业造成影响。近来,“漫步者”音箱广告内容经常涉及到强制性安全规范等内容,于是乎“安规”之风刮遍了业内的各个角落!很多人认为爱德发是在借题发挥,在借机会炒作自己。带着这些业内的不同声音,我们采访了北京爱德发集团副总经理、营销总监——张文升先生。
As a well-known multimedia speaker company - Beijing Adtech Group, its launch of the “Walker” speaker has long been popular in the country, in the wooden speaker market share has always ranked first, you can say “Walker” speaker every move will Impact on the domestic multimedia speaker industry. Recently, “Edifier” speaker advertising content often involves mandatory safety norms and other content, so “Safety” wind all over the industry! Many people think that Advent is based on the issue of play, take the opportunity to hype themselves. With these different voices in the industry, we interviewed Mr. Zhang Wensheng, deputy general manager and marketing director of Beijing Adelaide Group.