,Local closed world reasoning: a personal view on current status and trends

来源 :浙江大学学报(英文版)(C辑:计算机与电子) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilovelp222222
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1 Introduction In computer science and artificial intelligence,an ontology is a model of (some aspect of) the world that introduces the vocabulary of a particular domain,and specifies the meaning (semantics) of terms.Today’s ontologies are based on the description logics (DLs).With the help of DL reasoners,implicit knowledge can be inferred from explicit knowledge in an ontology.Different from the relational database or logic programming,ontologies impose the open world assumption (OWA) instead of the closed world assumption (CWA).In CWA,a proposition will be regarded as false,if there is no evidence for it being true.While in OWA,a proposition will be regarded as false if and only if there is clear.evidence for it being false.These two assumptions seem to contradict with each other.However,in real world applications,it is usually desired to combine OWA and CWA.For example,a restaurant should not close the class ‘Vegetarian Customer’ because whether a new customer is vegetarian or not is unknown to the restaurant unless explicitly asserted by the customer.Nevertheless,it can close the class ‘Vegetarian Food Menu’ because it has the complete knowledge about its own menus.This raises the challenge of doing local closed world reasoning (LCWR) with ontologies.In the following sections of this extended abstract,we review the state of the art regarding this topic.We also propose several emerging topics in this research area and discuss possible technical directions.
人民日报记者艾丰同志,最近到南通市为新闻函授学员讲课,我抓住空隙在南公园饭店访问了他。“艾老师,在您给函授学员讲课之前先给我们上一课吧。” People’s Daily report
This paper first introduces the concept of a geogram that captures richer features to represent the objects. The spatiogram contains some moments upon the coordinates of the pixels corresponding to ea