American Homes

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  Everyone wants to have a house, no matter whether it’s in China or America. But in America, there seems to be more options. For young adults, they usually rent apartments as they’re still strengthening[加强,巩固] their financial ability. For the majority of middle class people, it’s not uncommon that they purchase a house on various mortgage[抵押] plans. Unlike in China, the real estate market in America is mature. The average cost of a single family home ranges from $200,000 to more than double that amount depending on the location, the size, the facilities in the area and many other factors.
  American people respect individual privacy and property rights. There are property lines between houses. Homeowners usually build fences around their lawns[草地,草坪] or plant trees around their houses. If you see “Posted”signs on the tree trunks[树干] in the woods, it’s best you stay out of the area as these signs mean no hunting, no trespassing[侵犯,闯入私人领地].
  Indeed, some Americans live very well, possessing a large amount of land. And it’s likely for a stranger to get lost if they don’t know how large the property is. One time I visited an American friend’s house which was located near a bay that was surrounded by dense[稠密的,浓密的] woods. His property was so big that it went as far as my eyes could see. I asked my friend how he’d know if he entered his neighbor’s land by mistake. He said jokingly,“If you see the lawn is greener, that’s probably my neighbor’s.” And then he pointed to the far distance, and said, “My property extends to a hundred feet in the water. If you have a chance to walk down to the bay, you’ll see some parts of the water are also private.” Doesn’t Mother Nature belong to the public? I thought.
  Just like you see in movies, American houses have many functional rooms, from the kitchens, to the bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms. There is also storage space provided by multiple closets, a basement[地下室] or garage in some houses. I see why some Americans don’t bring umbrellas on a rainy day. If her house has a garage with an automatic door, she can open the garage door in her car with a remote control[远程控制], she then drives in her garage and enters her house from the garage. All the way she stays dry. How convenient American life is!
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摘 要:近年来,我国外语教学界各种形式的英语竞赛频繁进行。英语竞赛活动在学生中的受欢迎度如何?它对大学英语教学有何作用?本研究以理论和问卷调查为基础,对此进行了分析研究,并对大学英语教学提出了建议。  关键词:英语竞赛 ;大学英语教学 ;作用  [中图分类号]G623.31  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1006-2831(2006)10-0014-4    Abstract: In rece
摘要:本文根据建构主义理论和新一轮英语教学改革的标准,根据自己的实际课堂教学方式,提倡在英语教学中要以学生为主、积极引导学生主动参与学习、注重情境化的创设、加强师生之间、生生之间的协作学习、培养学生自主学习的能力并做好教学评价。   关键词:建构主义;英语;课堂教学  [中图分类号]H319   [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1006-2831(2006)10-0008-4    1.引言   