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湖南省人民政府令第151号《湖南省科技咨询管理办法》已经2001年10月31日省人民政府第135次常务会议通过,现予发布,自2002年1月1日起施行。代省长张云川二○○一年十一月二十六日第一条为发展科技咨询业,促进决策科学化、民主化,实施科教兴湘战略,更好地为科技进步、经济建设和社会发展服务,制定本办法。第二条本办法所称科技咨询,是指系统运用现代科学知识、现代技术手段和现代分析方法,为国家机关、企业事业单位、社会团体或者公民的决策提供的咨询服务。第三条在本省行政区域内从事科技咨询活动的单位和个人,均须遵守本办法。第四条国家机关、企业事业单位和社会团体应当按照先咨询、后决策的原则,建立决策责任制度,发挥科技咨询的决策参谋作用,避免重大决策失误。重大经济、科技和社会发展项目或者重大技术改 Hunan Provincial People’s Government Decree No. 151 “Hunan Province Science and Technology Advisory Management Measures” has been adopted by the provincial people’s government 135 executive meeting on October 31, 2001, is hereby promulgated, since January 1, 2002 shall come into operation. On behalf of Governor Zhang Yunchuan November 26, 2001 Article 1 For the development of science and technology consulting industry, promoting scientific and democratization of decision-making and implementing the strategy of rejuvenating Hunan with science and education so as to better serve the progress of science and technology, economic construction and society Development of services, the development of this approach. Article 2 The term “scientific and technological consultation” as mentioned in the present Measures refers to the system of consulting services provided by the state for the decision-making of state organs, enterprises and institutions, social groups or citizens by using modern scientific knowledge, modern technical means and modern analytical methods. Article 3 Units and individuals engaged in scientific and technological consulting activities in the administrative areas of the province shall abide by these Procedures. Article 4 State organs, enterprises, institutions and social groups shall, in accordance with the principle of consultation and post-decision-making first, establish a decision-making responsibility system and give play to the role of decision-making chiefs in scientific and technological consultation so as to avoid major policy mistakes. Major economic, technological and social development projects or major technological changes
我的名字原本叫张帆,爸爸当初给我取这个名字的含意,是希望我的成长能一帆风顺。可没想到这个名字不但没给我带来顺利,反而增添了许多麻烦。  小学升初中时,我报考的是北京市一所重点中学。这所学校因为教学质量好,吸引了全市六千多名学生前来报考。  成绩公布的那天,我和妈妈来到学校操场上的公告栏看结果。在学校院墙边,一溜榜单排开十几米长。我依次找过去,很快就发现了我的名字——张帆。一看下边写的分数:59分。
各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 李鹏总理签发的《中国21世纪议程》将生物多样性保护列为21世纪最重要的战略任务之一,也是走向世纪之交的重要
入会步骤:1.前往当地邮局订阅2008年下列读物(至少选订一种订阅半年,邮局可破月订阅),或直接在邮购部邮购一年的杂志。 Membership Steps: 1. Go to your local post office
现发布《农村五保供养工作条例》,自发布之日起施行。 Now promulgated the “Regulations on Rural Five Guarantees”, since the date of promulgation.