Responses of Nitrogen Uptake and Yield of Winter Wheat to Nonuniformity of Sprinkler Fertigation

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liouwanji
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Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of nonuniformity of sprinkler fertigation and the amount of fertilizers applied through fertigation on nitrogen uptake and crop yield during two growing seasons of winter wheat in 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 at an experimental station in Beijing. In the experiments, the seasonal averaged Christiansen irrigation uniformity coefficient (CU) varied from 72% to 84%. Except for the fertilizer applied before planting, fertilizer was applied with the sprinkler irrigation system with a seasonal averaged CU for fertigation varied from 71% to 85%. Three levels of fertilizer applied varying from 0 to 180 kg N ha-1 were used in the experiments. The experimental results demonstrated that sprinkler fertigation uniformity had insignificant effects on nitrogen uptake and crop yield for the uniformity range tested. Also, the influence of fertilizer applied through sprinkler fertigation on crop yield was minor, while the total nitrogen content for stem and nitrogen uptake increased with increasing fertilizer applied. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of nonuniformity of sprinkler fertigation and the amount of fertilizers applied through fertigation on nitrogen uptake and crop yield during two growing seasons of winter wheat in 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 at an experimental station in Beijing. In the experiments, the seasonal averaged Christiansen irrigation uniformity coefficient (CU) varied from 72% to 84%. Except for the fertilizer applied before planting, fertilizer was applied with the sprinkler irrigation system with a seasonal averaged CU for fertigation varied from 71% to 85 The experimental results for that sprinkler fertigation uniform had insignificant effects on nitrogen uptake and crop yield for the uniformity range tested. Also, the influence of fertilizer applied through sprinkler fertigation on crop yield was minor, while the total nitrogen content for stem and nitrogen uptake increased with increasing fertilizer applied.
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