WTOLitigation - WTO Litigation, 935 pages, priced at 310 francs, or 1750 yuan, was bought at seven bookshops in the WTO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. This is a legal, procedural and case study monograph on WTO dispute settlement. The book’s old lady saw once bought so many expensive books, surprised to ask: Whereareyoufrom? Japan? She heard the reply is China. Book buyers are delegates of the Chinese delegation to China to attend the first hearing of the panel of experts on 201 U.S. safeguard measures in Geneva. This is the first time after China’s accession to the WTO, it has sent a delegation to the WTO to litigate the WTO. The cause of the lawsuit was that on March 20, 2000, the United States safeguarded the 10 steel products imported into the United States globally under section 201 of its 1974 Trade Law, undermining the interests of many WTO members, including China.