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随着社会的发展,很多东西都越来越国际化,英语作为45个国家的官方语言,日益得到人们的重视,在大学课程中学习英语翻译也显得尤其重要。文章主要阐述了目前大学校园里英语翻译教学的情况,讲解了奈达的“功能对等理论”以及该理论在英语翻译里的重要意义,文中将许渊冲先生的诗翻译成英文,举例说明功能对等理论的作用和用途,提议老师在授课时将功能对等理论和教学实践结合在一起,以达到快速提高学生翻译水平的目的。 With the development of society, many things are becoming more and more international. As the official language of 45 countries, English is gaining more and more attention. It is also important to learn English translation in college curriculum. The article mainly expounds the current situation of English translation teaching on university campuses, explains Nida’s “theory of functional equivalence” and the significance of this theory in English translation. The article translates Mr. Xu Yuanchong’s poems into English, The function and purpose of the theory of functional equivalence, it is suggested that the teacher combine the theory of functional equivalence and teaching practice in teaching so as to achieve the goal of rapidly improving the students’ translation level.
李卫平,男,1975年出生,江西新余人,毕业于江西师范大学美术教育专业,现为江西萍乡高等专科学校副教授。 Li Weiping, male, born in 1975, Jiangxi Xinyu who graduated fro
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Number 1Gieup Representation and Its Application to the Analysis of Offshore Concrete PlatformsLin Shaopei, Qiu Chunhang and Ji Zhen ...........................
高中英语教师应当积极正视牛津版英语教材在语篇材料编写上的特点,并对自身的教学策略进行灵活调整及优化,以此确保牛津高中英语语篇材料教学的有效性。 High school Englis
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美国《国家地理》杂志走过了120年的探索之旅,逐渐形成了一个拥有1100万张图片的资料库。主办者从中挑选出450幅照片,汇成这本简明的摄影作品集、一扇开启后便能看到“这个世界及其所包含的一切”的炫目晴窗。本文选编自该书序言。    美国《国家地理》杂志从创立之初便开始向着他所期望的方向,不断地探索这个“世界及其所包含的一切”。心怀同样的梦想,美国国家地理学会的首任编辑兼主席早在一个世纪前就开始不断
Superalloy C-276 is known to be prone to hot cracking during fusion welding by Gas Tungsten Arc method.Microsegregation occurring during cooling of fusion zone
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