
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanqingkuiyan
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浙江省人民检察院日前发布的数据显示,在2003年至2005年该省检察机关查处的商业贿赂案件中,共涉及厅级干部13人,国家工作人员商业贿赂犯罪已成为当前浙江省职务犯罪的重灾区。据了解,浙江省检察机关在这三年中共查办贿赂犯罪案件2372件,其中发生在商业活动领域、属商业贿赂犯罪 Zhejiang People's Procuratorate recently released data show that in 2003 and 2005 prosecutors handling the case of commercial bribery in the province, involving a total of 13 officials at the departmental level, the national staff commercial bribery crimes have become the current weight of job-related crimes in Zhejiang Province disaster area. It is understood that Zhejiang procuratorial organs handled 2,372 bribery cases in these three years, which occurred in the field of commercial activities and were commercial bribery crimes
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记者近日走访了南海舰队某扫雷舰大队,也随着大队官兵的回忆走进了战场、坟场、死亡之海,也了解到了他们在海战场上一步步跨越的情景…… Recently, the reporter visited
方方:台湾军方昨天在屏东实弹试射3枚美制“爱国者”第二代改良型(Patriot PAC II Plus)导弹,据说结果是成功拦截并击落一个靶弹和一架靶机。正正:我也注意到了。台湾陆军是
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如果将俄罗斯比作一头瘦弱的骆驼,那么军事力量就是它身上那根因为消瘦反倒日见突出和强硬的脊梁骨,正是这根脊梁骨在支撑着俄罗斯庞大的身躯 If Russia is compared to a w