Mediastinal lymph node metastasis (N2 disease) based on the lobar location of lung squamous cell car

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Aims:To explore the rule of N2 disease based on the lobar location of lung squamous cell carcinoma.Methods:A retrospective review of CT and clinical data of 438 patients with lung squamous cell carcinoma had been studied.To statistic the rate of N2 disease of different lobar location of lung squamous cell carcinoma.Results:The incidence and location of N2 disease of the 438 patients based on the location of the primary squamocellular carcinoma was as follows:for right upper lobe cancers,25% had N2 disease,most commonly in the 4R(36%) ;16% cases of right middle lobe had N2 and most commonly in the 4R(50%) and the 7th station(50%) ;30% cases of right lower lobe mass had N2 diseases and,most commonly in the 4R(31%) and the7th station(34%) ;left upper lobe,had 21% N2,most commonly in the 6th station(50%) ;and left lower lobe,24%,most commonly in the 7th station(43%) .Skip metastases(no N1,but N2) was appeared at left upper lobe lesions only.Patients with right-sided cancers have the similar incidence to have N2 disease(71/271,26%) as comparing with patients who had left-sided lesions(36/167,22%) (P>0.05) .Incidence of N2 diseases in right low lobe was more higher than other lobe,but have no significant difference compared to that of right upper lobe and left low lobe(P>0.05) .Incidence of N2 diseases in right middle lobe was the lowest when compared to that of other lobe(P<0.05) .Conclusion:There is a distinct predilection for the location of N2 disease based on the lobar location of primary lung squamous cell cancer.The location of lymph nodes metastasis had important rule in the classification and surgical dissection of lung squamous cell carcinoma. Aims: To explore the rule of N2 disease based on the lobar location of lung squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: A retrospective review of CT and clinical data of 438 patients with lung squamous cell carcinoma had been studied. To statistic the rate of N2 disease of different lobar location of lung squamous cell carcinoma. Results: The incidence and location of N2 disease of the 438 patients based on the location of the primary squamocellular carcinoma was as follows: for right upper lobe cancers, 25% had N2 disease, most commonly in the 4R (36%); 16% cases of the right middle lobe had N2 and most commonly in the 4R (50%) and the 7th station (50%); 30% cases of the lower lobe mass had N2 diseases and, most commonly in the 4R (31%) and the 7th station (34%); left upper lobe, had 21% N2, most commonly in the 6th station (50%); and left lower lobe, 24% most in the 7th station 43%) .Skip metastases (no N1, but N2) was was at left upper lobe lesions only. Patients with right-sided cancers have the the simila r incidence to N2 disease (71 / 271,26%) as comparing with patients who had left-sided lesions (36 / 167,22%) (P> 0.05) .Inidence of N2 diseases in right low lobe was more than than other lobe, but have no significant difference compared to that of right upper lobe and left low lobe (P> 0.05) .Incidence of N2 diseases in right middle lobe was the lowest when compared to that of other lobe (P <0.05) .Conclusion : There is a distinct predilection for the location of N2 disease based on the lobar location of primary lung squamous cell cancer. The location of lymph nodes metastasis had important rule in the classification and surgical dissection of lung squamous cell carcinoma.
[摘要]本文通过对周期性实验设计的具体分析进行研究,把一般性的实验教学训练过程进行科学的论证和设计,旨在为今后高职院校的运动队训练提供一定的科学指导。  [关键词]周期性 实验设计 身体素质  [中图分类号]G712 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2014)12-0191-01  一、研究方法  (一)文献资料法  通过收集和阅读有关的著作和国内外文献资料的知识经验和研究成果,
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