Zircon U-Pb age, Lu-Hf Isotopic Characteristics and Origin of the Banshanping Granitoid Rocks in Eas

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The Banshanping granitoid rocks distribute in the east of the North Qinling orogenic belt. It is a diorite-quartz diorite-granodiorite-granite series, spreading in a NW-SE direction, and intrudes into the Erlangping Group. The SiO2 content ranges from 57.04% to 76.56%, Na2O from 2.05% to 4.65%, K2O from 0.84% to 3.40%. Major element characteristics indicate that Banshanping granitoid rocks have properties of I type granotoids. SREE ranges from 36.51 ppm to 473.25 ppm, and LREE/HREE ratios lie between 3.95 and 22.18. Negative Eu anomalies are not obvious in most samples, though there are obvious Nb, P and Ti positive anomalies. The zircon LA-ICP-MS ages of Banshangping granitoid rocks are 496.0±8.1 Ma–486.9±9.3 Ma. Hf isotope shows that 176Hf/177Hf ratios range from 0.282721 to 0.282876, εHf(t) values from 8.5 to 14, all positive, and corresponding modal ages(TDM2) range from 559 Ma to 908 Ma. Based on Hf isotope characteristics and existing SmNd and Rb-Sr isotope data, we consider that the Banshanping granitoid rocks originate from mantlederived material, i.e. the igneous rocks that formed in Neoproterozoic, and there may be a certain amount of crust-derived material during the formation of Banshanping granitoid rocks. The Banshanping granitoid rocks distribute in the east of the North Qinling orogenic belt. It is a diorite-quartz diorite-granodiorite-granite series, spreading in a NW-SE direction, and intrudes into the Erlangping Group. The SiO2 content ranges from 57.04% to 76.56% Na2O from 2.05% to 4.65% K2O from 0.84% ​​to 3.40%. Major element characteristics indicate that Banshanping granitoid rocks have properties of I type granotoids. SREE ranges from 36.51 ppm to 473.25 ppm, and LREE / HREE ratios lie Between 3.95 and 22.18. Negative Eu anomalies are not obvious in most samples, though there are obvious Nb, P and Ti positive anomalies. The zircon LA-ICP-MS ages of Banshangping granitoid rocks are 496.0 ± 8.1 Ma-486.9 ± 9.3 Ma. Based on Hf isotope characteristics and existing SmNd (TDM2) range from 559 Ma to 908 Ma. Hf isotope shows that 176Hf / 177Hf ratios range from 0.282721 to 0.282876 and εHf (t) values ​​from 8.5 to 14, all positive, and corresponding modals (TDM2) and Rb-Sr isotope data, we consider that the Banshanping granitoid rocks originate from mantlederived material, ie the igneous rocks that formed in Neoproterozoic, and there may be a certain amount of crust-derived material during the formation of Banshanping granitoid rocks.
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