
来源 :现代教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyu03
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我国中小学教材教科书实行编审制,地方教育行政部门和部分有条件的学校被赋予一些选用教材的权利,在这种情况下,如何选用教科书的重要性便凸显出来。我国当下教科书制度仍然存在评用分离的问题,教科书选用权还主要掌控在教育行政部门手中,教科书的直接使用者——学校和教师,特别是教师在教科书的选用方面一直处于失语状态。因此,有必要对教师参与教科书选用的意义、教师对教科书的选评标准及教师参与教科书选用的保证机制等几方面展开分析,以期对发挥教师选用教科书的主体作用有所裨益。 In our country, the textbooks for primary and middle school textbooks are subject to compilation and examination, and local education administrative departments and some qualified schools are given some rights to choose textbooks. Under such circumstances, the importance of selecting textbooks is highlighted. The current textbook system in our country still has the problem of separation of appraisals. The selection of textbooks is also mainly controlled by educational administrations. Schools and teachers, especially teachers, who are the direct users of textbooks, have been in aphasia in selecting textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the significance of teachers’ participation in the selection of textbooks, teachers’ evaluation criteria of textbooks and the guarantee mechanism of teachers’ participation in the selection of textbooks, in the hope of benefiting teachers to play the main role of selecting textbooks.
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【摘要】对于股权投资者、企业管理者和政府机关等组织和个人来讲,能否做出正确的决策主要取决于其是否了解上市公司的财务状况。基于这种认识,本文对上市公司财务状况分析目的、原则和方法展开了探讨,并且选取了盈利能力、运营能力、偿债能力和发展能力这四个财务状况分析指标对包钢钢联上市公司的财务状况展开了分析,从而为关注这一话题的人们提供参考。  【关键词】包钢钢联上市公司 财务状况 分析  在分析企业财务状况
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