中美联合勘察二战期间“驼峰”航 线坠毁美机残骸纪事

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【编者按】1940年代初的某个夜晚,一架飞机从林周县澎波果拉山口向南坠落,机翼上清晰可见的红色夜灯着实将当地百姓吓了一跳;1993年9月17日,5位藏族猎人在林芝波密县易贡乡的若果冰川发现了一架美机残骸,之后,由西藏军区各级指战员与当地民众组成的联合调查组在9月30 B找到了失事飞机残骸和3名飞行员尸骨,并运到拉萨;这年11月4日,访美的中国外交部副部长刘华秋向美方通报了西藏发现二战美机残骸的情况,并提交了现场照片及录相资料,消息立刻震惊了世界。12月11日,3名遇难飞行员的遗骸、遗物及飞机的部分技术资料运回美国。经过甄别,美方发现这架C87运输机上应有5名飞行员,为此请求中国再次帮助寻找另外两具飞行员的尸骨。中国政府很快答复,同意帮助并给予全力协助。1994年9月17日,中美联合调查组历尽艰辛,终于在失事现场周围的冰雪中找到了这两具比较完整的尸骨,从而使这架1944年1月5日从昆明返航的飞机上以纳尼尔为首的5名飞行员在整整半个世纪后,魂归故里!对这两次的寻访过程,本刊于1994年第二期和1995年第一期作过详实报道。然而,时隔5年后,林芝米林县丹娘乡的猎人公布、旺杰和达瓦等在打猎途中,又一次发现了一架飞机残骸!与此同时,在该县直线距离110公里处的里龙乡朗贡村的章纳牧场,还有另一架飞机残 [Editor’s note] One night in the early 1940s, an airplane crashed south from the Penghula Pass in Linzhou County, and the red night light clearly visible on the wings really shocked the local people. In September 1993 On the 17th, five Tibetan hunters found the wreckage of a U.S. plane in the Ngeoseh Glacier in Yi Gong Township, Bomi County, Nyingchi Prefecture. After that, a joint investigation team composed of officers and men of all levels of the Tibetan Military Region and local people found on 30 September B On November 4 this year, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Huaqiu who visited the United States briefed the U.S. on the wreckage of the U.S. aircraft found in World War II in Tibet and submitted photos and records of the scene With information, the news immediately shocked the world. On December 11, part of the technical information on the remains, relics and aircraft of the three killed pilots was returned to the United States. After screening, the United States found that there should be five pilots on the C87 transport plane, requesting China to once again help find the bones of the other two pilots. The Chinese government quickly responded, agreed to help and gave its full assistance. On September 17, 1994, the Joint Investigation Team of China and the United States experienced some hardships and finally found these two relatively complete bones in the ice and snow surrounding the scene of the accident so that the aircraft returning from Kunming on January 5, 1944 After half a century, five pilots led by Nanier have gone home. For these two quests, the journal made detailed reports in the second issue of 1994 and the first issue of 1995. However, after a lapse of 5 years, hunters in Tan Niang Township, Mlin County, Nyinghi announced that another wreckage was found on hunting routes, including Wang Jie and Dawa. At the same time, a straight line 110 km from the county Longong Township Langong village Zhangna ranch, there is another plane residual
提到两三岁左右的小朋友,我们总是用“Terrible Two(糟糕的两岁),Horrible Three(恐怖的三岁)”来形容。其实这个阶段的孩子个性慢慢显现,正在努力尝试和适应环境。他们和成
坠入人间的天使,渴望完美,但也不拒绝缺憾。  ——题记  春,裹挟着一缕缕如兰如梅的气息,藏匿着一个个生的喜悦,悄然来到人间。天底下,我牵着风筝,肆意地奔跑,迎接春风热情的拥抱,任由幸福的感觉如同发霉的细菌般疯狂痴长,氤氲整个生命。  15年前的一个傍晚,在爸妈虔诚的期盼中,我以一声啼哭向人间宣告了一个新生命的诞生。至今,我都不知道爸妈在那样的惊喜中又是以怎样的心情来面对上帝送给他们的这个不完美的