Dynamic Experimental Study of a Multi-bypass PulseTube Refrigerator with Two-bypass Tubes

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwe136172081
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A dynamic experimental apparatus to measure the instantaneous velocity and pressure in the multi-bypass pulse tube refrigerator (MPTR) was designed and constructed. Some theortant experimental results of the instantaneous measurements of the velocity and the pressure in the MPTR with two-bypass tubes during actual operation are presented. The effects of the middle-bypass version on the dynamic pressure and mass flow rate at the cold end of the pulse tube are evaluated from experimental measurements.DC-flow phenomena are observed in this MPTR. The reasons of the multi-bypass version improved the performance of pulse tube refrigerator are given. A the dynamic experimental apparatus to measure the instantaneous velocity and pressure in the multi-bypass pulse tube refrigerator (MPTR) was designed and constructed. Some theortant experimental results of the instantaneous measurements of the velocity and the pressure in the MPTR with two-bypass tubes during The effects of the middle-bypass version on the dynamic end of the pulse tube are evaluated from this MPTR. The reasons of the multi -bypass version improved the performance of pulse tube refrigerator are given.
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