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大约是5年前的春天,应好朋友老刘之约,我选了一个晴朗的星期天,驱车来到老刘的家乡,一个叫大沟村的地方做客。阳历4月,大地回春,太阳像贪睡的顽童,伸个懒腰才慢慢把暖意洒向人们。古城不太大,经不住四个轱辘的碾压,不一会就被远远抛在了后面。当车刚刚有点气喘的时候,大山就横在面前,上一个大坡,两山之间氤氲蓊郁的神秘景色拽着我丢下一座又一座山峰,向山里进军。大约又过了半个小时,终于看到老刘在一片开满白色花朵的林地边迎候着我。 About five years ago in the spring, Lao Liu should be good friends about the appointment, I chose a sunny Sunday, drove to Lao Liu’s hometown, a place called Dagoucun guest. Gregorian calendar in April, the earth rejuvenation, the sun like snooze urchin, stretch slowly to warm the sprinkling of people. The ancient city is not too big, could not stand the rolling of four wheels, and soon was left behind. When the car just a little wheezing, the mountain on the front of the cross, on a large slope, the mysterious scenery between the two mountains lurking me dragged one after another mountain, into the mountains. About another half an hour later, finally saw the old Liu in a woodland full of white flowers waiting for me.
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金塔,并不是我想叫你草原  山低,水洼,各自躲藏  不断起伏的山峦,掩映着  时光的背影  东方地平线隐在前方  被浮草遮挡,被草丛中的  羊群遮挡  牧人的长鞭再不用挥至党金山下  只需鞭梢触及生活掠过边缘  梦想的讨来河就能在眼前  冰山上的雪莲就能盛开  金塔,并不是想叫你草原  而是你低垂的眼眸  早已像草原那样秀美  今夜失眠  失眠的今夜,我独睡甘州  睡在古时的甘州  一轮明月上。思
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