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“读书”是语文教学的重要方法之一。如何读书?有些人生张阅读要“少而精”。但精到什么程度,也说得不太清楚。我们认为,阅读既要重视数量,更要重视质量,两者要统一起来考虑。首先必须明确“读书”的重要性,掌握读书的整体功能,让学生视觉、听觉和思维器管处于积极状态,眼、耳、口、脑并用。其次,无论整体或部分的“读”都必须目的明确,常读常新,有效发挥教师的主导作用,由教师有计划、有目的地指导学生掌握阅读方法。“引读法”的作用主要体现在指导学生“读懂”和“会读”两个方面,经过长期有序的“阅读法”操作训练,打破以往将学生作为被动的接受知识对象的注入式阅读教学,转变成以学生阅读为主,激发学生主动阅读的启发性阅读教学。 “Reading” is one of the important methods of Chinese teaching. How to read? Some people read Zhang to “less but fine.” But to what extent, but also not quite sure. In our opinion, we should pay attention to the quantity as well as the quality while reading, and we should reconcile the two together. First of all, we must clarify the importance of reading and grasp the overall function of reading so that students' visual, auditory and intellectual resources are in a positive state and their eyes, ears, mouth and brain are used together. Second, no matter whether the whole or part of “reading” must have a clear purpose, a constant reading of new concepts and effective use of teachers' leading role, teachers should guide students in a planned and purposeful way to master reading methods. The function of “lead reading method” is mainly reflected in guiding students to “read” and “will read” two aspects, after long-term orderly “reading” operation training, breaking the past as a passive acceptance of students as a knowledge object Reading teaching, into a reading-based students, inspire students to take the initiative to read the inspiring reading teaching.
一、时事简述(一)国内12月1日,纪念朱德同志诞辰120周年座谈会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。国家主席胡锦涛出席座谈会并发表了重要讲话。 I. Brief introduction to current
在下午的游戏活动中,何芮小朋友拣皮球时跑得太快,与迎面而来的马超撞在了一起,鼻子被撞出了血,我及时进行了处理。 第二天早晨,我 In the afternoon game activities, Rui
《光学学报》1987年7卷8期报道了中国科学院长春光学精密机械研究所和沈阳仪器仪表工艺研究所协作,研制成功我国第一台以光电 “Acta Optica Sinica” 1987 Vol.7 No.8 rep