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  注意事项: 1、本试卷120分,考试时间100分钟。
  Ⅰ. 阅读理解(共17小题;每小题2分,满分34分)
  Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.
  In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states(州) have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.
  The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 report by scientists, IQ(智商) of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% lower. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).
  Weather also has a strong influence on people’s feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer. At about 18℃, people become stronger.
  Low air pressure(气压) may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days. People feel best at a temperature of about 18℃.
  Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the weather’s problem.
  1. What can cause problems on health?
  A. Hot and wet weather B. A strong wind C. Warm weather D. Low air pressure
  2. A report shows that people may have more intelligence when ______ comes.
  A. rain B. a strong wind C. very hot weather D. low air pressure
  3.According to the writer, fat people may feel bad in ______ weather.
  A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot
  4. The writer wants to tell us that ______.
  A. hot and cold weather influences all people in the same way
  B. weather influences people’s behavior
  C. IQ changes when weather changes
  D. people feel good on low pressure days
  5.Which is the best title for this passage?
  A. Hot Weather Causes Health Problems
  B. Different Weather Makes People Feel Bad
  C. Weather Influences Feelings   D. Weather Influences Health, Intelligence and Feelings
  Qi Haoran, a Junior 1 student, was quite busy over the past winter vacation – and not just with homework. Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign (“光盘行动”).
  The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food. “Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat? Please don’t waste food.” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
  The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January. It calls on people to reduce food waste.
  China in these years had serious problems with wasted food. CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.
  Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.
  Luckily, the campaign has got the support of many. In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner give the guests who have eaten all that they ordered a sticker (贴花). People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers (剩饭剩菜) home
  To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It’s important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi. Did you finish your meals today?
  6. What did the 11 students do in the winter vacation?
  A. The helped each other with homework.
  B. They opened a restaurant together.
  C. They volunteered for a campaign.
  D. They collected money from customers in restaurants.
  7. In this passage the underlined word “call on ” means ______
  A. 打电话 B.号召 C.拜访 D. 叫喊
  8. The Clean Your Plate Campaign calls on people to _____.
  A. do volunteer work B. work part time in restaurants
  C. cut down on food waste D. wash your plates after dinner
  9. From Paragraphs 4-5, we learn that _____.
  A. wasting food is a serious problem in China
  B. Chinese people waste the most food in the world
  C. Chinese people want to show off that they are rich
  D. most Chinese people are afraid of losing face at the table
  10. What did the restaurant in Beijing do to support the campaign?   A. The owner would have dinner with those who had eaten up their food.
  B. It offered a free meal to the guests who had finished all their food ten times.
  C. It gave stickers to the guests who ordered small dishes.
  D. It encouraged customers to take leftovers home.
  John and Bobby joined the same company together just after they completed their university studies the same year. Both of them worked very hard. Several years later, however, the boss promoted(提拔) Bobby to manager but John was still a worker. John could not take it, and gave his resignation(辞职书) to the boss. He complained that the boss did not think much of those who were hard -working, but promoted only those who flattered him.
  The boss knew that John had worked very hard for the years. He thought a moment and said, “Thank you for what you said, but I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave”
  John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much they cost every kilogram. John shook his head and went back to the seller to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 every kilogram.
  The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to come to his office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went and returned, saying, “Boss, only one person is selling watermelons. $1.2 every kilogram, and $10 for 10 kilograms. The seller has 340 melons. On the table there are 58 melons, and each weighs about 2 kilograms. They were brought from the South two days ago. They are of good quality.”
  Hearing what Bobby said, John realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided to stay and learn from Bobby.
  11. How did John feel when Bobby was promoted to manager?
  A. Angry. B. Nervous. C. Unlucky. D. Helpless.
  12. The boss gave John a task because______________.
  A. he wanted John to do more for his company
  B. he wanted John to learn more about himself
  C. he wanted to punish John for what he said
  D. he wanted to prove what John said was right
  13. We can infer from the passage that_____________.
  A. Bobby was unselfish B. John was lazy
  C. the seller was dishonest D. the boss was wise
  14. What can we learn from the passage?
  A. The boss should treat all his workers in a fair way.   B. The boss should not promote one who flatters him.
  C. One should not only work hard but also use his head.
  D. One should try to get every detail of watermelons.
  No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important to make the right impression from the very first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place. It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first day in a new job:
  First impression can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.
  Get to work on time . Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.
  Pay attention to introductions. You may be introduced to your workmates. They will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.
  Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If you are not told your duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.
  Never be the first one to leave. Watch what others do at the end of work hours. It does not look good for you to be eager to leave.
  15. What does the writer think you should do on your first-day work ?
  A. We should dress in a right way.
  B. We should learn how to introduce ourselves.
  C. We should know our duties.
  D. We should know our workmates well.
  16. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
  A. You should be the first one to arrive at work.
  B. You should ask your workmates for your duties.
  C. You should not be eager to go back home at the end of work hours.
  D. You are required to arrive 15 minutes earlier.
  17. From the passage, your supervisor is most likely your _______________.
  A. visitor B. teacher C. workmate D. leader
  Ⅱ. 完形填空(25小题,每小题1分,共25分)
  I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch(牧马场). He has let me use his __18__ to raise money for youth at risk programs.
  The last time I was there he told me his story. When he was young, his family is too __19__ to have a house to live in. As a __20__, when he was in high school, he was asked to write a paper about __21__ he wanted to be and do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of __22__ a horse ranch. He also drew a picture to show a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a beautiful farm. The next day he handed it in to his __23__. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F. Roberts asked, “Why did I receive an F?” He teacher said, “This is a (an) __24__ dream for a young boy like you. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.” Then the teacher added, “If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your __25__.”   The boy went home and thought about it for a __26__ and hard time. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, “Look, son, you have to __27__ your own mind on this. Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no __28__ at all. He told his teacher “you could keep the F and I __29__ keep my dream.
  Monty tell me this __30__ because I am sitting in his 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. He said a lot of kids’ __31__ can be stolen. Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what. __32__ he had enough gumption(毅力) not to give up my dream.
  18. A. name B. company C. ranch D. school
  19. A. small B. busy C. poor D. lazy
  20. A. present B. return C. punishment D. result
  21. A. what B. which C. whom D. who
  22. A. renting B. donating C. owning D. kitchen
  23. A. teacher B. father C. friend D.wife
  24. A. surprised B. great C. terrible D. unrealistic
  25. A. work B. grade C. family D. ability
  26. A. easy B. long C. short D. hurry
  27. A. change B. rewrite C. have D. give up
  28. A. decision B. reason C. excuse D. changes
  29. A. never B. still C. sometimes D. even
  30. A. square B. story C. house D. teacher
  31. A. money B. house C. dreams D. hobbies
  32. A. Quickly B. Suddenly C. Unluckily D. Fortunately
  How would you like to go to a school like this one in Oxford, England? There are no formal classes. The students ___33___ from one group to another when they want to. ___34___ may find students who are fourteen, fifteen or sixteen years old all in the same ___35___. They work at their own speed. ___36___ tells them what they should or shouldn’t be doing. The day I ___37___, school began at nine. Some students were working ___38___ a tape recorder and listening to their own voices. Others were watching a TV program ___39___ physics. A third group was working in the library. I didn’t see anybody just sitting doing ___40___. Nobody was wasting time. ___41___ the students taking a break in the cafeteria were having a ___42___ on politics.
  33. A. move B. study C. travel D. stay
  34. A. You B. A man C. He D. I
  35. A. grade B. school C. class D. group
  36. A. Somebody B. A teacher C. Nobody D. The group leader
  37. A. visited B. moved C. studied D. stayed
  38. A. on B. with C. for D. Through   39. A. in B. according to C. on D. by
  40. A. something B. much C. anything D. nothing
  41. A. However B. Even C. Also D. 0nly
  42. A. drink B. show C. debate D. quarrel
  Ⅲ. 短文填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
  Do you know __43__ countryside is changing these years in some countries?
  Life has becoming difficult in many villages, and some are becoming empty. There are a lot of __44__ for this. Firstly Young people from __45__ usually want to live somewhere livelier, and they often move to the towns and do not return. Secondly, people move to the cities to find work, as there are often very few __46__ in the countryside. Sometimes villages remain because people from the cities have bought a“second home”in the villages __47__ they come and stay at weekends. The price of houses __48__ (go) up and people like to buy a house in the countryside. __49__ problem is that it is becoming more and more difficult for farmers to make money from their farms. __50__ they sell their land and find another job.
  All these things mean that many villages are __51__ (fight) to survive(留下来). We can only hope that they will remain. The countryside would be sadder and uglier places __52__ them.
  Henry works in a factory. He comes from a poor family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work, but he is p__53__ less. He likes to watch football matches very much and s__54__ much time on them.
  One afternoon there was a big football match on the playground. He borrowed some money from his friend and h__55__ there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets were sold out. He was sorry for it. He saw a pole (杆子) outside the playground and climbed it quickly. A policeman came and said, “It is d__56__ to stay on it! Come down!”
  “Wait a m__57__, please!” Henry said and just at that moment the policeman heard cheers on the playground and asked in a hurry, “Which team has kicked a goal?” “Ours!” “W__58__! You can stay there. But take care!” The policeman said h__59__ and left. When the match would be soon over, he came back again and asked, “Who has won?” “Theirs, 3:2.” “Come down,” the policeman said a__60__. “Such a match is not worth w__61__!”
  Henry had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said in a hurry, “ C__62__ up and see who has kicked a goal.”   IV 阅读并按要求完成各题(共11小题,每小题2分,共22分)
  ( I )
  “USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in?” We often hear such discussion. As China opens its door, studying abroad has become a dream for many Chinese students. They want to learn about the world. It’s true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Language skills will improve and it may be easier to find a job.
  But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language and getting used to a different culture.
  Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven’t had to do before, like looking after themselves. There are reports about Chinese students abroad sinking in an ocean of difficulties and giving up easily. When they have to take care of themselves, it is hard for the students to study well.
  Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it?
  We know that there are many famous people who succeed in great things through their hard work in China. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him there but he refused. He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at Athens
  Olympics. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, consider whether studying abroad is the right choice.
  1. Studying abroad can help students develop themselves
  ① It can help improve them _______63_______ skills.
  ② It may be easy for them to find _______64_______.
  2. Problems that should be considered before studying abroad
  ① Students should spend much time learning another language and getting used to a different __65__.
  ② Students have to learn how to _______66_______ themselves.
  ③ The cost of studying abroad is very _______67_______ so that it brings a heavy burden to the family.
  3. Is studying abroad the right choice
  Different people have different ideas. In fact, whether they succeed or not depends on their ___68___.
  Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy. Well, almost everything. (71)The problem is that the people in Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely.   So Jean spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she keeps in touch with quite often.
  Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common interest in rock music and modern dance.(72) So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself. He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.
  When Jean’s father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of their favorite rock singer. But when she knocked on David’s door in San Francisco, she found that her special friend was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim!
  A. 根据短文内容简要回答下列问题:
  69.Why did Jean think David, his friend on QQ, was special?
  70. What will Jean’s QQ friend’s real name and age?
  B. 将短文中划线的两个句子译成汉语。
  C. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。
  74. There are 49 birds and hares. A bird has two legs and a hare has four. There are 100 legs in all. So there are ______birds and _______.
  A. 45,45 hares B. 23,26 hares C. 42,6 hares D. 48,1 hare
  75. what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?
  76. Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 4 metres, turn left and walk another 3 metres. What is the distance (距离) between them?
  A. 2 metres B. 6 metres. C. 10 metres. D. 12.5 metres.
  77. I see three men on a bus. A speaks English and Japanese. C only talks with B. B can speak Chinese and English. What does C speak? He speaks ________.
  A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. English and Japanese
  78.. What would George Washington be most famous for if he were alive today?
  A. A president B. A great American. C. A father of his son. D. His old age.
  VI. 英译汉。(4分)
  79. Look before you leap.
  80. Rome was not built in a day.
  81. Practice makes perfect.
  82. Action speak louder than words.
  VII. 书面表达(Writing) (10分)
  在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示为某英文报写一篇题为On the Internet的征文稿。
  信 息:看国内外新闻、获取其它信息
  通 讯:发e-mail、打电话
  学 习:上网上学校、阅读各种书籍、自学外语
  娱 乐: 欣赏音乐、观看体育比赛、玩棋牌游戏
  生 活: 购物
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