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  罗荣桓是参加湘赣边界秋收起义后,跟随毛 泽东上井冈山的,他是“支部建在连上”最早的 七个连队党代表之一。1929年他参加了著名的 古田会议。会上,他因“观念正确,斗争积极”,被 选为红四军前委委员。在古田期间,毛泽东指着 路过的罗荣桓,对刚从上海调来的前委秘书冯文 彬说:“这是个人才,是一位很好的领导干部。对 这个同志,我们发现晚了。”   1932年10月,在宁都会议被批判的毛泽 东,离开红军领导岗位,罗荣桓也被调离一军团。 毛泽东喟然长叹:“我倒霉时,他也跟着我倒 霉。”“罗荣桓的品格,用十句话概括:无私利,不 专断,抓大事,敢用人,提得起,看得破,算得到, 做得完,撇得开,放得下。同我相处这么多年,就 是一个罗荣桓,还有一个邓小平。” 1937年5月16日,罗荣桓和林月琴在延安 After attending the Autumn Harvest Uprising on the border with Hunan and Jiangxi Province, Luo Ronghuan followed Mao Zedong on the Jinggangshan. He was one of the earliest representatives of the seven company factions that “built up branches”. In 1929 he attended the famous Gutian Conference. At the meeting, he was chosen as a member of the Red Army’s Former Commission because of his “correct concept and active struggle.” During Gutian, Mao pointed at Luo Ronghuan, passing by and told Feng Wenbin, a former secretary of the former delegation transferred from Shanghai: “This is a talented person and a very good leading cadre, and we find it too late for this comrade.” 1932 In October of the same year, Mao Tse-tung, who was criticized at the Ningdu Conference, left the leadership position of the Red Army and Luo Ronghuan was also removed from the army. Mao Zedong sighed: “When I was unlucky, he followed me bad luck.” “Luo Ronghuan’s character, summed up with ten sentences: unselfish interest, not arbitrary, grasping events, dare to use people, afford to get, see broken, be counted, After doing so, leaving open, let go. With me for so many years, is a Luo Ronghuan, there is a Deng Xiaoping. ”May 16, 1937, Luo Ronghuan and Lin Yueqin in Yan’an
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