麦园蜘蛛(Penthaleus sp.)及麦长腿蜘蛛(Petrobia latens(Müller))的生物学研究

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1953—1955年在晋南、北京等地对麦园蜘蛛及麦长腿蜘蛛的发生规律及生活习性进行了研究。结果明确两种麦蜘蛛一年中:秋季密度最大时期为11月上、中旬。春季密度最大的时期,麦园蜘蛛在3月下旬至4月上旬;麦长腿蜘蛛在5月上旬前后。两种麦蜘蛛均以滞育卵越夏。直至10月中旬,越夏卵始孵化,孵化最盛在11月上旬,此时幼、若虫出现最多,若进行防治可基本上防止以后的猖獗。根据结果分析,估计麦园蜘蛛每年发生2—3代,麦长腿蜘蛛发生3—4代。室内饲育初步观察麦园蜘蛛一世代(从卵到产卵)历时平均约57.8天;麦长腿蜘蛛为32.1天。两种麦蜘蛛都是单性生殖。麦长腿蜘蛛的滞育卵,具多年滞育习性,初步观察有些卵能在土中生活两年。两种麦蜘蛛的分布和猖獗都受湿度的影响,主要猖獗为害地区麦长腿蜘蛛在黄河以北的旱地;麦园蜘蛛在黄淮地区的水浇地或低洼地。耕作栽培对麦蜘蛛的发生有重要影响;连作对两种麦蜘蛛发生有利;深耕能将卵翻至深土之下,可以减少发生;晚播影响麦蜘蛛孵化后的食料。因此,合理轮作、深耕和适当晚播是综合防治中的重要措施。 From 1953 to 1955 in Jinnan, Beijing and other places on the wheat spiders and wheat spiders long legs of the law and habits were studied. The results clear two kinds of wheat spider year: the maximum density of autumn in November on the middle. The highest density of spring time, wheat garden spider in late March to early April; wheat long leg spiders in early May before and after. Two kinds of wheat spiders diapause eggs summer. Until mid-October, the more summer eggs begin to hatch, hatching peak in early November, when young, nymphs appear the most, if the prevention and treatment can basically prevent future rampant. According to the results of the analysis, it is estimated that Maiyuan spiders occur 2-3 generations per year, and wheat long-legged spiders occur 3-4 generations. Preliminary observations on in-house feeding The spider mites averaged about 57.8 days from ovum to oviposition and 32.1 days for long-legged spider mites. Two kinds of wheat spiders are parthenogenesis. Maldives long-legged spider diapause eggs, with many years of diapause habit, preliminary observation of some eggs can live in the soil for two years. The distribution and prevalence of two kinds of wheat spiders are affected by the humidity, the main rampant wheat-legged spider in the dry land north of the Yellow River; wheat garden spider in the Huang-Huai area irrigated or low-lying areas. Cultivation and cultivation of wheat spiders have an important impact; continuous crop of two kinds of wheat spiders favorable; deep plowing can turn eggs under deep soil, can reduce the occurrence; evening broadcast affect the spider corn sprout food. Therefore, rational rotation, deep plowing and proper evening broadcast are important measures in comprehensive prevention and control.
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