
来源 :大江周刊(生活) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adai1989
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一年多以前,位于北京科技大学校内的中国银行营业网点发生一起抢劫案,该校肄业男生黎力先后持刀挟持一对情侣后,向银行索得人民币10万元。据悉,黎力作案的目的竟是为父母筹得一笔养老金,以报父母养育之恩!2010年夏天,法院一审以抢劫罪判处黎力有期徒刑10年。黎力究竟是一个怎样的人?考上大学后,他的身上发生了什么足以颠覆他善良本性的事?记者采访了黎力众多的亲友和乡邻以及他的律师,以图深度解读黎力心理沦陷的家庭和社会原因。 More than a year ago, a robbery took place at the Bank of China branch of the University of Science and Technology in Beijing. The school boy, Li Li, held a knife with a knife and then held a couple and obtained a fee of 100,000 yuan from the bank. It is reported that the purpose of Li Li was actually raising a pension for his parents to report the grace of their parents in the summer of 2010, the Court of First Instance robbery sentenced Li for 10 years in prison. What kind of person is Li Li? What happened to him after he was admitted to university? The reporter interviewed a large number of Li’s relatives, neighbors and lawyers in an attempt to make an in-depth interpretation of Li Li Psychological fall home and social reasons.
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绍兴市房地产管理处原主任周国强的落马颇有戏剧性:去年,面对查出癌症晚期的妻子,周国强提出了离婚。于是,妻子忿然向有关部门实名举报,最终将周国强及情人送进了监狱。 Zho
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