Magnetite-Hematite Transformation: Correlation Between Natural and Sintetic Features

来源 :矿物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abmabc
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The iron-oxide system can be used as a marker of oxidized and reduced conditions in closed systems. However, natural rocks with iron-oxide minerals also exhibit such reactions, although the natural system is typically open. To understand the behaviour of this natural system, they were investigated the similarities, in terms of crystallographic textures, between the microstructures of two systems: natural open system and synthetic closed system of iron-oxide phase transformation. However, natural rocks with iron-oxide minerals also exhibit such reactions, although the natural system is typically open. To understand the behavior of this natural system , they were investigated the similarities, in terms of crystallographic textures, between the microstructures of two systems: natural open system and synthetic closed system of iron-oxide phase transformation.
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A low-grade metamorphic ultramafic rock at the Kval ya Island, North Norway, shows Ni content up to 5 600 ppm, and an average content of 2 500 ppm Ni. Olivine i