积极开展政治体制改革 促进经济持续稳定发展——富顺县政治体制改革情况报告

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根据党的十三大关于政治体制改革的要求,近年来富顺县着重从党政分开、下放权力、改革干部人事制度和建设社会主义民主政治等方面积极进行了一些探索改革,较好地适应了经济体制改革的深入开展,促进全县经济以较快的速度稳定增长。一、划清党政职能,实行党政分开围绕党政分开这个政治体制改革的首要关键,我们从思想、组织、职能、制度、方法上大胆做了尝试。 In accordance with the requirements of the 13th CPC National Congress on the reform of the political system, Fushun County has actively conducted some explorations and reforms in the areas of separation of party and government, decentralization of power, reform of the cadre and personnel system, and building of socialist democracy in recent years, The deepening reform of the economic system has promoted the economy of the entire county to grow steadily at a faster pace. I. Defining the Function of the Party and the Government and Carrying out the Separation of the Party and the Government Around the Separation of the Party and the Government The first key to reforming the political structure is to make bold attempts at thinking, organization, function, system and method.
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