一枚金光闪闪的奖杯,三张全球论文参会证书,把灌南县中医院院长、全国中医专科授课专家、全国劳动模范周达春,又一次推上了世界传统医学大会的讲坛。 1994年4月26至28日,世界传统医学大会在美国拉斯维加斯举行。美国、比利时、日本、韩国等世界大多数国家都派了医学代表团参加。参加大会的中国医学代表团,由中华医学学会名誉会长、世界传统医学大会名誉主席吴阶平教授和中国针灸学会会长胡熙明教授,世界传统医学大会执行委员会主席麻仲学博士带队。周达春带着他研制成功的五妙水仙膏,随团一道从上海乘飞
A glittering trophy, and three global essay testimonials. The president of Guannan Chinese Medicine Hospital, a national specialist in Chinese medicine and the national model worker Zhou Dachun, once again went to the pulpit of the World Traditional Medicine Congress. From April 26 to April 28, 1994, the World Traditional Medicine Congress was held in Las Vegas, USA. Most countries in the world, such as the United States, Belgium, Japan and South Korea, sent medical delegations. The Chinese medical delegation to the conference was led by Professor Wu Jieping, Honorary President of the Chinese Medical Association, honorary chairman of the World Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress, and Professor Hu Xi Ming, president of the Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society, and Dr. Ma Zhongxue, chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Traditional Medicine Congress. Zhou Da-chun with his successful development of five wonderful immortality cream, accompanied by a team from Shanghai fly