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目的分析涉外婚姻婚前检查结果,为进一步加强涉外婚姻保健指导咨询工作,防止传染病的传播,提高生活质量和出生人口素质积累资料。方法询问婚检双方的个人史、既往史、家族遗传病史;临床检查:五官科、内科、外科、外生殖器检查;X 光和心电图检查;以及实验室检查 HIV 抗体检测、梅毒检测和 HBsAg 检测。结果对新疆地区1995—2001年涉外婚姻共计832人进行了体检检测。被检境内人员来自本地区,境外人员则以澳大利亚、香港、台湾、日本居多;年龄最大70岁,最小21岁;体检中发现乙肝病毒感染者31例,梅毒感染者1例,未检出艾滋病。心电图异常44例、聋哑4例。结论要加强涉外婚姻保健指导咨询工作,防止传染病的传播,提高生活质量和出生人口素质。 Objective To analyze the results of premarital examination of foreign marriages, in order to further strengthen guidance and consultation on matrimonial care in foreign countries, prevent the spread of infectious diseases and improve the quality of life and the quality of the population born. Methods Asked the history of both the premarital medical history, past history, family history of genetic disease; clinical examination: ENT, internal medicine, surgery, external genital examination; X-ray and electrocardiogram; and laboratory tests HIV antibody test, syphilis test and HBsAg test. Results A total of 832 foreign-related marriages in Xinjiang from 1995 to 2001 were conducted physical examination. The officers from the territory were seized inside the territory while those from overseas were mainly from Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan; the oldest was 70 years old and the youngest was 21 years old. In the physical examination, 31 cases of hepatitis B virus infection and 1 case of syphilis were detected. . 44 cases of abnormal electrocardiogram, deaf and dumb in 4 cases. Conclusion It is necessary to strengthen guidance and counseling on marriage and maternity care in foreign countries so as to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and improve the quality of life and the quality of the population born.
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