
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong465
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A single nomenclature for national park terminology has evolved into a massive global data network from information gathered together from the past 140 years.This has been created using the most recent UNEP-WDPA data and its 98483 national designation records from 192 countries,two other customized databases accommodating 2638 records of officially designated national parks from 184 jurisdictions around the globe,and 2064 records of extended Chinese national park sites.However,mushrooming designations and growing databases are posing significant challenges even though the IUCN and UNEP have both devoted efforts to build and promote a common language called the “System of Management Categories for Protected Areas”.Thus conversely the best possible outcome and the worst confusion might have originated from the same objective that is known by the simple moniker as a national park.This is why much more work needs to be done to enhance communication among different stakeholders from the world.In this paper,the authors are intending to demonstrate that China's government agencies should boost a dialogue with the UNEP-WDPA operating staff in order that the current innovative national park programs are recognized by the global community.Meanwhile,the authors also recommend that IUCN needs to revise and refresh the current protected area classification system for the purpose of effectively servicing the diverse stakeholders in such a diversified world of national park systems around the globe. A single nomenclature for national park terminology has evolved into a massive global data network from information gathered from the past 140 years. This has been created using the most recent UNEP-WDPA data and its 98483 national designation records from 192 countries, two other customized databases accommodating 2638 records of officially designated national parks from 184 jurisdictions around the globe, and 2,064 records of extended Chinese national park sites. Host, mushrooming designations and growing databases are posing significant challenges even though the IUCN and UNEP have both devoted efforts to build and promote a common language called the “System of Management Categories for Protected Areas ”. Thus conversely the best possible outcome and the worst confusion might have have originated from the same objective that is known by the simple moniker as a national park. This is why much more work needs to be done to enhance communication among different stakeholders from the w orld.In this paper, the authors are intending to demonstrate that China's government agencies should boost a dialogue with the UNEP-WDPA operating staff in order that the current innovative national park programs are recognized by the global community .Meanwhile, the authors also recommend that IUCN needs to revise and refresh the current protected area classification system for the purpose of effectively servicing the diverse stakeholders in such a diversified world of national park systems around the globe.
在1941年末,德国军队大规模地向苏联境内进攻。 有一天,德军在立陶宛境内一条河的桥头上,突然和苏联一辆新型坦克相遇。这辆坦克独自停留在道路中央,用炮火阻击从桥上过来的
2001年12月3日,美国五角大楼女发言人欧文宣布,美军方当晚进行的国家导弹防御(NMD)系统第5次导弹拦截试验获得成功,拦截导弹准确命中目标。 据介绍,美军方于美国东部时间200