Nonlinear response of ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles:From fundamentals to applications

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maozi100
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Modelling and biomedical applications of ultrasound contrast agent(UCA) microbubbles have attracted a great deal of attention. In this review, we summarize a series of researches done in our group, including(i) the development of an all-in-one solution of characterizing coated bubble parameters based on the light scattering technique and flow cytometry;(ii) a novel bubble dynamic model that takes into consideration both nonlinear shell elasticity and viscosity to eliminate the dependences of bubble shell parameters on bubble size;(iii) the evaluation of UCA inertial cavitation threshold and its relationship with shell parameters; and(iv) the investigations of transfection efficiency and the reduction of cytotoxicity in gene delivery facilitated by UCAs excited by ultrasound exposures. Modeling and biomedical applications of ultrasound contrast agent (UCA) microbubbles have attracted a great deal of attention.. In this review, we summarize a series of researches done in our group, including (i) the development of an all-in-one solution of characterizing coated bubble parameters based on the light scattering technique and flow cytometry; (ii) a novel bubble dynamic model that takes into consideration both nonlinear shell elasticity and viscosity to eliminate the dependences of bubble shell parameters on bubble size; (iii) the evaluation of UCA inertial cavitation threshold and its relationship with shell parameters; and (iv) the investigations of transfection efficiency and the reduction of cytotoxicity in gene delivery facilitated by UCAs excited by ultrasound exposures.
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