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西林村位于万城乡南部,南临393省道300米,北临乡政府300米,通石武铁路火车站府前路环村而过,临火车站400米左右,通乡路商品大街穿村而过,地理位置优越。有一个良好发展环境。全村现有人口1000人,耕地870亩,党员47名,两委班子齐全,共有5人,支部班3人委员2名,村委会办公室,有党员活动室、妇联会、经济合作社、民调委员会各个群众性组织齐全。民风好,风气正,多年来被评为红旗支部,先进村镇。街道已全部硬化,现有个体私营企业10家。降纱、防线、织布一条龙式加工企业。年人均收入6000多元。干部每年都要定任务定目标,制定计划、按时检查完成情况,促进全村经济快速发展。 Xilin village is located in the south of Wancheng Township, south of 393 provincial highway 300 meters, north of the township government 300 meters, pass Shishiwu Railway Station House before the road around the village, Pro train station about 400 meters, Tongxiang Road Commodity Street to wear the village And, the geographical position is superior. Have a good environment for development. The village has a population of 1,000 people, 870 acres of arable land, 47 members, the two committees complete, a total of 5 people, branch of 3 members of 2, village committee office, party activity room, women’s federation, economic cooperatives, people Tune Commission various mass organizations complete. Good folkways, the trend is positive, as the Red Flag branch for many years, advanced villages and towns. Streets have all hardened, the existing individual and private enterprises 10. Fall yarn, line of defense, weaving one-stop processing enterprises. Annual per capita income of 6000 yuan. Every year, cadres must set targets for tasks, formulate plans, check the completion on time and promote the rapid economic development in the whole village.
现实真如动画片那般完美?小丸子和小玉真的能永远在一起?我们祈祷友谊能地久天长…… Reality is just as perfect as an animation? Chibi Maruko and Jade really can be
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