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隋唐时期的河西走廊是中央政府控制广大西域地区,以及北击突厥、南抗吐蕃的重要交通要道,为了保证中央政府的对该地区的有效管辖,沟通与西域诸国的友好往来,确保丝绸之路上经贸的畅通无阻,隋唐两代都在武威郡(凉州)设置了不少军府,屯兵以备战事。多年来史学界关于隋唐军府的论述较多,但大多是从宏观方面进行的研究,涉及具体某一州郡的考补论证研究相对而言开展的不够充分。本文利用相关历史文献,结合出土石刻文物形成二重证据,考证出隋代4个鹰扬府,唐代7个折冲府,以及他们的承续关系,继而从军府设置数量和属地印证了隋唐时期武威郡(凉州)所具有的重要军事地位。 The Hexi Corridor in the Sui and Tang Dynasties was an important traffic route controlled by the Central Government over the vast Western Regions and the North against the Turks and the South against Tubo. In order to ensure the effective control of the Central Government by the Central Government and the friendly exchanges with all the Western Regions, On the road of economic and trade unimpeded, the Sui and Tang dynasties in Wuwei County (Liangzhou) set a lot of government, stationed troops in preparation for the war. Over the years historians on the Sui and Tang military government more, but mostly from the macroscopic aspects of research, involving a specific counties in the test relative to the argument is not sufficient. Based on the relevant historical documents and the dual evidences of the unearthed carved artifacts, this paper studies four Suiyong Yingyang prefectures and seven Tangsong government in the Tang Dynasty, and their inheritance relations, and then confirms the quantity and possession of the military by the military during the Sui and Tang dynasties Wuwei County (Liangzhou) has an important military status.
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住宅楼基础采用灌注短桩,即保证了结构的需求,又提高了质量,加快了工期,即经济便宜又方便施工。尤其在硬土层上灌注短桩更有推广价值。 The use of cast-in-place short piles i
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