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  【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 12 STEP BY STEP随堂通参考答案】
  Step 1 (for Section A)
  1. C 2. E 3. D
  4. A 5. B
  1. beach 2. busy
  3. early 4. went
  5. stayed 6. great
  7. finish 8. without
  9. difficult 10. party
  1~5 BCBBB
  6~8 CBB
  Step 2 (for Section B)
  1~4 CCBC
  1~5 BBABB
  6~10 BABDC
  1. had 2. went
  3. with 4. was
  5. read 6. had
  7. playing 8. swimming
  9. do 10. were
  Step 3 (for Self-check)
  1~5 AADBD
  6~10 BACDA
  1~5 BACBB
  1~5 ABDBB
  6~10 AACAD
  11~15 DBDCC
  1~5 ACDBC
  6~10 CADBA
  1~5 BCDDA
  6~10 CBACD
  11~15 DBDAC
  1. weather 2. wet
  3. leaves 4. coming
  5. beautiful 6. back
  7. activities 8. photos
  9. jeans 10. hot
  1~5 ACBBC
  6~10 BCCCB
  11~15 BBCBA
  1~5 BCBAC
  6~10 BBCAB
  1~5 BBACB
  6~10 CCABC
  11~15 BBADC
  1. don’t 2. to
  3. because 4. take
  5. an 6. Her
  7. from 8. with
  9. but 10. keep
  (One possible version)
  Bob and I are good friends. We study at the same school. Bob goes to school by bike. His home is about two kilometers from school. It often takes him about ten minutes. Bob’s parents work at a clothing factory. It’s about ten kilometers from their home to the factory. They go to work by bus. It often takes them about half an hour. They both work hard and Bob studies hard, too. They are a happy family.
  1~5 CBADB
  6~10 CABCD
  11~15 BBACC
  1~5 DCBCA
  6~10 BAABC
  1~5 ACDAB
  6~10 BCBAD
  11~15 DBCBA
  1. something 2. eat
  3. breakfast 4. different
  5. boxes 6. important
  7. Friday 8. and
  9. sometimes 10. write
  (One possible version)
  Hi, I’m Mary. Yesterday morning, my friend and I went to the Forest Park. It was sunny. We rode our bikes there. There were a lot of people in the park. Some were doing exercise, some were going boat and others were planting trees. We saw different kinds of trees. In the afternoon, we played games and took many photos. I showed my classmates the photos and they all said these photos were very beautiful and they would go there this weekend. What a happy day it was!   【新目标英语八年级(下)达标测试题参考答案】
  1~5 BBCCC 6~10 BCCBC
  11~15 BCACB
  1~5 BBCCA 6~10 BABBC
  11~15 BBCCA
  1~5 ABCCA 6~10 ACADC
  11~15 BDACD 16~20 DDBCC
  1. What happened
  2. alone; lonely
  3. deaf; blind
  4. more; better
  5. compare; with
  1. be/ become 2. afford
  3. sent 4. for
  5. ask 6. into
  7. from 8. Without
  9. to 10. Wish
  (One possible version)
  Ann and Anna are sisters. Ann is as tall as Anna and they are both 1.55 meters in height. Ann has little longer hair than Anna. Anna is more outgoing than Ann, but Ann is more popular and she’s one of the best students in their school. They both have a lot of beautiful clothes, but Anna’s clothes are more beautiful. Neither of them likes wearing a uniform. They are in the same class and they now study in Class Three, Grade Two. Both of them are good at schoolwork. However, Ann’s grades are a little better than Anna’s.
  1~5 BCDDA 6~10 ABBCD
  11~15 CACBC
  1~5 CBCAB 6~10 ADBDC
  11~15 DCBCA
  1~5 CBDAB 6~10 ACBDC
  11~15 CDABC
  1. Thanks; showing
  2. has; hasn’t
  3. took; half
  4. You’d; take
  5. when; held
  1. get 2. enjoy
  3. more 4. for
  5. practicing 6. happy
  7. faster 8. then
  9. winner 10. to
  (One possible version)
  Our earth is getting warmer and warmer. People should protect our big family now. As a student, we should change our lifestyle to make the world better. Here are some helpful ways for us to protect our environment.
  Firstly, turn off the tap when you are not washing your hands. Secondly, don’t leave the lights on when you leave the rooms. Thirdly, when you go shopping, remember to take your own shopping bags. Last, go to school by bike or on foot. If it’s a little far, please go there by bus instead of by car.
  Let’s take action and make our earth better.
  1~5 BBCAD 6~10 DCBDC
  11~15 BDABC
  1~5 ACCDA 6~10 BDCAC
  11~15 BCACD
  1~5 CCBDA 6~10 ADBDC
  11~15 DBAAC 16~20 DABCD
  1. didn’t; until
  2. to go swimming
  3. not to forget to
  4. as soon as; reach
  5. It is our duty
  1. afraid 2. except
  3. collect 4. best
  5. listening 6. mine
  7. kindness 8. thanked
  9. away 10. changed
  (One possible version)
  I used to be shy and weak in English in my primary school, so I was afraid to answer questions during English classes.
  After I went to middle school, something changed. My English teacher helped me a lot. I started to learn many interesting English stories, watch English films and listen to English songs. Little by little, I found it interesting to learn English. I could even talk with my classmates fluently in English and I was not shy any more. At last, I got good grades in English and I became confident to do it better in the future.
近年来,宜昌市伍家岗区坚持把教师发展放在首位,通过优化教师成长机制,实施教师幸福工程,时时为教师的健康留心,处处为教师的发展谋划,事事为教师的幸福着想,不懈追求 “让教师成为最幸福的人”,成功打造出一支高品质专业化教师队伍。  专业引领,让教师在专业成长中追求幸福。立足校本,以研修助教师成长。通过读书分享、案例研究、联片研究、名师工作室等多种形式进行专业对话,引导教师在激扬智慧、凝聚合力、追寻专业
初中三年级上学期《语文》课本中,有一首《木兰辞》。还没学到这一课,班里已经有人在朗读:“唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织……”这是一首北朝民歌,语言朴实,节奏明快,读起来琅琅上口。花木兰的故事,我们在看连环画时已经知道,现在在课文中相遇,似乎有一种异样的感觉,何况是由陈老师来上课,大家心里自然充满期待。  陈老师可是我们学校的名人。他个子不太高,体形胖胖的,说起话来有苏北口音,但抑扬顿挫,韵味十足。你别看他
一、词汇过关  1. represent  【考纲释义】vt.代表;象征;描述  Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. 我们班的同学想让她代表班级参加学校的竞赛。   This painting represents a hunting scene. 这张油画展现了打猎的情景。   【知识拓展】 
云梦县围绕优秀传统文化进校园,在中小学校加强优秀传统文化教育,切实加强未成年人思想道德建设,素质教育取得明显成效。  开发系列教材。各学科教材以及省地方教材中含有许多优秀传统文化内容,如:爱国主义、集体主义、理想信念、团结友爱、孝敬父母、历史文化等。在此基础上,云梦县着眼于本地风土人情、当前的教育主题以及未成年人的思想实际等,开发了《黄香三字经解读》《汉孝子黄香》《千古孝子黄香》《孝子贤臣黄香》等
【2015中考英语语篇及作文专项训练(五)参考答案】  1~5 BBACD  6~10 ACDCB  11~15 CDBCA  16~20 CDBCA  21~25 CDABC  One possible version:  May 11th, 2014
一、单词拼写  根据句意和首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. The guest e________ their thanks to the host and hostess when leaving.  2. Mother told me to b_______ well when we visited relatives.  3. You say he is easy-goin
何顿,原名何斌,湖南长沙市人,生于1958年12月。下过乡,读过大学,当过美术教师,干过装修等,现为长沙市文联创作室专业作家、中国作家协会会员。主要作品有长篇小说《就这么回事》《我们像葵花》《喜马拉雅山》《抵抗者》《荒芜之旅》等,中篇小说集《生活无罪》《清清的河水蓝蓝的天》等。被评论界视为“新生代”和“新现实主义”的代表作家之一,部分作品在国外翻译出版。  星座:射手座   中学时候的职业梦想:解
繁忙琐碎的工作性质决定了班主任在处理各种班级日常事务时要思维缜密,心思细腻。许多看似微不足道的小事,做与不做的效果大不一样,从班级卫生管理这方面就可见一斑。  拖把的位置。在校园中,常常见到不少班级的拖把都是横七竖八地躺在教室的某个角落。教室是个开放的立体空间,无论你站在什么地方,这一不规整的场景都会映入眼帘,给人一种杂乱无章的感受。而改变这种场景的做法非常简单,就是带着学生们在门旁的木框上钉几颗