
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghaocong
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中师语文基础知识教学比起文选来,处理教材的活动余地比较小,加之内容多,课时少,教师往往采用照本宣科的方法,致使大多数学生产生厌倦情绪。怎样改变这种现状?几年来我的探索是: 一、在教材中掘趣现有语基教材共七章,三年制师范一般只讲六章,即语音、汉字、语汇、语法、修辞、逻辑(古汉语在文选中讲)。只要认真研究教学内容及其特点,这里所讲的每一门知识,都可以发掘出相应的教学方法,并使整个教学过程趣味横生。如语音教学,可以抓住现代汉语何以是世界上最优美、最富于音乐性的语言这一点,加以探究,并和方言土语的语音进行对比。比较枯燥的语法,则通过原教材(《暂拟汉语教学与语法系统》)与现教材(《中学教学语法系统提要(试用)》)两种系统的比较来掘趣:从词类、短语、单句到复句,都进行两种系统的比较分析,使学生在整个学习过程中都处于一种比较分析的思维动态,学习兴趣也便自然而然地调动起来了。在修辞教学中,紧紧抓住如何使词语、句子表达优美,涉及词语、句子、修辞手法的选择和调配等问题进行教学,想方设法激发学 Compared with the selection of the selected materials, there is little room for the teaching of textbooks. In addition, the contents are more and the class hours are less. Teachers often adopt the method of scripting according to this principle, resulting in the tiredness of most students. How to change the current situation? My exploration over the past few years is: First, in the textbook excavation of the existing language textbook a total of seven chapters, three-year teacher generally speak only six chapters, namely, voice, Chinese, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, Logic (ancient Chinese speaking in the anthology). As long as careful study of teaching content and its characteristics, every knowledge here can be found in the corresponding teaching methods, and make the entire teaching process interesting. Such as phonetic teaching, you can grasp how modern Chinese is the world’s most beautiful and most musical language of this point, to explore, and dialect and dialect of language compared. More boring grammar, then through the original textbook (“tentative Chinese teaching and grammar system”) and the present textbook (“high school teaching grammar system synopsis (trial)”) to tap the two systems: from words, phrases, sentences To the complex sentence, both comparative analysis of the two systems, so that students throughout the learning process are in a comparative analysis of the dynamic thinking, interest in learning will naturally be mobilized. In rhetoric teaching, we should grasp how to make the words and sentences beautifully expressed, and how to choose the teaching of words, sentences and rhetorical devices, and try our best to inspire students
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