
来源 :资源与生态学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sym409198933
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产业作为现代经济发展的基础,是工业化与城镇化发展的引擎.产业生态化是产业发展到一定阶段的高级形态,引导着产业、人与自然的协调发展.实施产业生态化是工业化与城镇化可持续发展的重要方式与有效途径.文章基于2003–2018年中国西部地区省际面板数据,分析工业化、城镇化与产业生态化的空间发展趋势,利用PVAR模型的实证方法进行稳健性检验,考察三者之间在长期状态下的相互关系.研究结果显示:工业化、城镇化与产业生态化在短期因果关系很难显现,滞后三期(三年)时,三者互为格兰杰因果关系,并且产业生态化与工业化促进了城镇化,产业生态化对城镇化的影响系数为0.4612,但工业化与城镇化却对产业生态化呈负面影响,每提高1个百分点的城镇化和工业化水平,产业生态化将分别降低0.2261、0.2850个百分点.随着滞后期的延长,产业生态化的解释能力要优于工业化与城镇化,工业化以及产业生态化是具备较强的自我积累的发展机制,城镇化的自我积累机制不明显甚至产生减退情况.通过发挥西部地区主导产业的作用,摆脱内部不平衡的发展局面,实现工业化与城镇化的互相促进.在提高资源、能源利用率基础上,实施“绿色生产”,大力推进产业生态化,促进地区经济、社会高质量发展.“,”As the foundation of modern economic development, industry is the engine of industrialized and urban-ized development. Industrial ecology is a high-level for m of industry that is achieved after it has reached a certain stage, which guides the coordinated industrial development balancing mankind and nature. The implementation of industrial ecology is an important method and effective approach to realize the sustainable development of indus-trialization and urbanization. In this article, based on the inter-provincial panel data of western China during 2003-2018, the spatial development trends of industrialization, urbanization and industrial ecology are analyzed, and an empirical method is employed to conduct a robustness test based on the Panel Vector Auto-Regression (PVAR) model to determine the long-term interactions among these three aspects. The results show that it is diffi-cult to manifest the short-term causal relationships among industrialization, urbanization and industrial ecology. After lagging for three periods, they present the Granger causality, the industrial ecology and industrialization have promoted urbanization, and the coefficient for the influence of industrial ecology on urbanization is 0.4612. However, industrialization and urbanization have negative impacts on industrial ecology, and with a 1% increase in industri-alization or urbanization, the industrial ecology will decline by 0.2261% or 0.2850%, respectively. With the con-tinuation of the lagging period, industrial ecology will have better interpretability than industrialization and urbaniza-tion, and industrialization and eco-friendly development have strong self-accumulation development mechanisms, while the self-accumulation mechanism of urbanization is not obvious, and it might even have a decline. By fulfiling the role of the regional leading industry, the state of unbalanced internal development can be improved, so as to realize mutual promotion between industrialization and urbanization. By improving the utilization rates of resources and energy, effor ts should be made to implement green production, significantly promote industrial ecology, and boost high-quality development of both the regional economy and society.
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