黎亚,来自中州的女歌手。在花木兰的故乡学过5年青衣、闰门旦、刀马旦,高亢的梆子腔和火爆的武打都改不了她的温文尔雅柔情似水。16岁,正是天生丽质难自弃,在她还不懂得选择唱歌的时候,唱歌就选择了她:一个偶然的机会,羞答答的黎亚被人从帷幕边上一把推到前台,便戏剧性地开始了她的歌坛生涯。 1.67米的身高,一张清纯秀美的脸,加上长笛一样柔婉动听的女中音,使她幸运地在众多歌手中脱颖而出,走进了中唱广州公司这个遮风避雨的屋檐下,无忧无虑地继续她的音乐旅程。没有经受闯荡江湖的酸甜苦辣,所以
Li Ya, female singer from Zhongzhou. In the hometown of Mulan learned 5 years of Tsing Yi, Runner-mandarin, knife Ma Dan, high-pitched son cavities and popular martial arts can not change her gentle tenderness like water. 16-year-old, it is natural beauty difficult to give up, she did not know how to choose to sing, sing on the choice of her: a chance, shy answer Ya was pushed from the edge of the curtain to the foreground, it dramatically Started her career in pop music. 1.67 meters tall, a pure and beautiful face, coupled with the same fluffy melodious voice of the alto so that she was lucky to stand out in the many singers, into the singing company Guangzhou under the shelter, without shelter Carefree to continue her music journey. Did not withstand the ups and downs of the ups and downs, so