贯彻落实条令大纲 努力提高部队战斗力 全省消防部队执勤训练改革试点现场会在昆召开

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7月4日至5日,全省消防部队执勤训练改革试点现场会在昆明支队西山中队召开。这次会议是继今年4月在昆明召开的全省消防部队落实执勤条例和训练大纲工作会议之后举行的又一次专门研究部队执勤训练工作的全省性会议。 今年是全国消防部队贯彻落实《执勤条令》和《训练大纲》的第一年,贯彻落实执勤条令和训练大纲,是全省消防部队当前和今后一个时期的主要工作,各支队按照总队的部署,结合部队实际,掀起了学条令、学大纲、抓试点、抓落实的热潮。据记者了解,我省大理、玉溪、文山、德宏、昆明、楚雄、丽江、昭通、红河等支队,在贯彻落实条令大纲的工作中,注重从学习入手,提高认识,统一思想,明确工作任务,采取多种切实可行的措施,增强了广大消防官兵贯彻落实条令大纲的意识,有效地调动了广大官兵落实条令太纲的自觉性,收到了明显的效果,在这一工作中,昆明支队西山中队贯彻落实条令、大纲行动快,措施有力,改进和加强了消防战训工作,为全省消防部队做出了榜样。 July 4 to 5, the province’s fire brigade duty training reform pilot site will be held in Kunming detachment Xishan Squadron. This meeting is another provincial conference dedicated to conducting on-the-spot training on the armed forces after the implementation of the law enforcement regulations and training program of the provincial fire brigade in Kunming in April this year. This year is the first year that the national fire brigade has implemented “on-duty ordinances and training outlines”. The implementation of the on-duty ordinances and training programs is the current and future main task of the fire brigade across the province. In accordance with the deployment of the Corps, Combining with the actual situation of the armed forces, we have set off an upsurge of studying rules and regulations, studying the outline, grasping the pilot projects and implementing the plan. According to the reporter, during the work of implementing the outline of the ordinance, the detachments of Dali, Yuxi, Wenshan, Dehong, Kunming, Chuxiong, Lijiang, Zhaotong and Honghe in our province pay attention to learning from the beginning, raising awareness, unifying thinking and clarifying work tasks , Adopted a variety of practical measures to enhance the majority of fire officers and soldiers to implement the outline of the program awareness, effectively mobilize the majority of officers and soldiers to implement the program too auspicious, received noticeable results, in this work, Kunming detachment Xishan Squadron implementation of the Ordinance, the outline of action fast, effective measures to improve and strengthen the fire fighting training for the province’s fire brigade has set an example.
纵观近年高考诗歌鉴赏题,语言鉴赏是考查的重点,而对诗中关键字词的理解又为重中之重。先来看看2011年湖北卷中的诗歌鉴赏题:  阅读下面这首唐诗,回答:贾岛注重用字的推敲,请对第三联中的“藏”“透”二字作简要赏析。  送邹明府游灵武  贾 岛  曾宰西畿县,三年马不肥。  债多凭剑与,官满载书归。  边雪藏行径,林风透卧衣。  灵州听晓角,客馆未开扉。  这类试题都直接限定我们对某个(些)词做出赏析
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