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众所周知,徐特立是举世闻名的教育家,他一生桃李满天下,毛泽东主席也曾是他在长沙师范任教时的学生。1946年,徐老担任中共中央宣传部主管教育的副部长,那时我正好在延安中学读书,耳闻目睹了许多徐老的故事。特别是他老人家来延安中学视察时,还曾借过我的被子留宿,更是我一生中最美好的回忆。1935年,徐特立随党中央长征到陕北后,立即着手创办文化学校,并开办师资培训班。他说:“中国革命要彻底胜利,没有高度的文化科学水平是不行的,而这一切都必须建筑在办好中、小学教育的基础上。”还说:“我们要依靠小学教师培养革命的火种,让这些火种,跟随中国共产党,点燃解放全中国的熊熊大火,来个天翻地覆的变化,建立起独立自主、富 As we all know, Xu Teli is a world-renowned educator, his life full of peaches and plums, Chairman Mao Zedong was also his normal teaching in Changsha students. In 1946, Xu Lao served as vice minister of education for the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. At that time, I was studying in Yan’an High School and I heard many old stories of Xu Lao. Especially when his elderly came to visit Yan’an High School, he also borrowed my quilt to stay overnight. It was the best memory in my life. In 1935, with the CPC Central Committee’s long march to northern Shaanxi, Xu Teh immediately embarked on the establishment of a cultural school and started a teacher training course. He said: ”The revolution in China must be thoroughly victorious. It is impossible not to have a high standard of culture and science, but all must be built on the basis of running primary and secondary education.“ ”We also rely on primary school teachers Cultivate the torch of revolution, allow these kinds of fire to follow the Chinese Communist Party and ignite the raging fire that liberated all of China and come up with earth-shaking changes and establish an independent and prosperous
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苯丙酮尿症是小儿时期较常见的一种先天性氨基酸代谢障碍所致的以神经系统受累为主的疾病。笔者收治1例,现报告如下: 典型病例:患儿段某,男,7个月,主因“阵发性抽搐”入院。