转换经营机制 深化企业改革 促进经济上新台阶

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为适应社会主义市场经济的新形势,我公司以邓小平同志南巡重要谈话为指针,认真贯彻党的十四大精神,转换脑筋、解放思想,在企业内部改革方面作了一些尝试,取得了一些成效。 太重是1950年由我国自行设计建造、现拥有15000名职工的第一座重型机械制造企业。太重自创建以来,先后多次完成了国家下达的重大技术装备的研制任务,有170多项产品填补了我国重型机械产品的空白,在国内外享有很高的声誉。但是自1989年以来太重的经济形势出现“滑坡”,连续两年发生巨额亏损。 面对如此严重的困难局面,省委省政府于1992年4月下旬调整了太重的领导班子。新一届领导班子组成之后,在深入分析企业内外形势和造成企业亏损原因的基础上,首先严格“制度、纪律、秩序”,突出“质量、品种、效益”,以强化内部改革为主攻方向,于五月中旬组成了改革领导组,下设管理体制改革、三项制度改革和发展第三产业三个工作班子,从而加快了转换企业经营机制的步伐。 In order to adapt to the new situation of the socialist market economy, our company takes the important speech of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour as a guideline, conscientiously implements the spirit of the Party’s 14th National Congress, transforms its mind and emancipates the mind, and has made some attempts in the internal reform of enterprises, and has achieved some Effectiveness. Too heavy is the first heavy machinery manufacturing company that was designed and constructed by China in 1950 and now has 15,000 employees. Since its inception, it has repeatedly completed the task of research and development of major technical equipment issued by the country. More than 170 products have filled the gaps in China’s heavy machinery products and enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad. However, the economic situation that has been too heavy since 1989 has been a “slippery slope” and huge losses have occurred in two consecutive years. In the face of such a difficult situation, the provincial party committee and provincial government adjusted their overweight leadership team in late April 1992. After the formation of the new leadership team, on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the internal and external situation of the company and the causes of the loss of the enterprise, it first strictly enforces “system, discipline, and order”, highlights “quality, variety, and benefit” and strengthens internal reform as the main attack direction. In mid-May, a reform leadership group was formed, which consisted of three management teams including the reform of the management system, the reform of three systems, and the development of the tertiary industry, thereby accelerating the pace of transforming the company’s operating mechanism.
经辽宁省国有资产管理局和辽宁省经济体制改革委员会批准,辽宁省机械设备进出口公司 Approved by Liaoning Provincial State-owned Assets Management Bureau and Liaonin
美国通用汽车公司正大力打入亚洲汽车市场。 通用公司亚太地区计划经理麦克丹尼克说,该公司最近已计划在泰国进行大规模投资,以生产和销售奥佩尔汽车,计划到1998年达到2万辆
一、抓住机遇,掌握改革的主动权 今年我们机械行业主要面临两方面的改革,一是国有企业转换经营机制,建立现代企业制度,要取得较大进展;二是管理部门精减 First, seize the
电力工业部新闻发言人姜绍俊1993年12月4日在北京向新闻界介绍了中国电力工业发展的总体目标,到本世纪末,我国发电装机将达3.1亿KW。 姜绍俊说,我们的设想,在1995年至1997年